Mann's RC (Ruskin, FL)
Spec-R S2 >> Super Truck
Tires from last week at War Zone were drift tires at Mann's!
Put a set of 36R on and cleaned them with 50/50 Simple Green/water. They take 4 laps to come up to temp, then it's FULL power!! For two TQ and the WIN!!!!
Tried some Stadium Truck tires in place of the normal SC tires. Only had some Losi "silver" compound tires for the front, these are drift tire when on the rear. A little push, which worked well on the north end of oval, learned the QUICK way around.
Two TQ's and a 2nd. About 1/3 of the way in, heard a odd noise and a lack of power, thought it was the diff cause I had forgot to check it after the rebuild from last week. Wasn't the problem, broke the left rear wheel axle pin.