Sunday, February 21, 2016


Mann's RC (Ruskin, FL)

The plan for today was >>> Newred's in Ocala, 2 of the 4 of us had to work, another needed to be back by 8:30, so we are planning a March visit.



With the Trinity D3 17.5 FRIED!!! A Novak 17.5 was installed, set the motor timing to 15 degrees. ESC set  to "Blinky", let's RACE!!!

TQ'd, go at the tone by turn 3 was in the lead and GONE >>>> until I piped it and a marshal was talking to another racer  >>> NOT watching the race. Went from1st to 9th just like that!!!!! Was able to get within 1/4 lap of 1st before the finish.


Spec-R S2

Was looking GOOD for another win in VTA, TQ'd both qual's.

Out horsed everyone from the start lead for over a minute before touching a pipe that caused the right rear of the Dodge Challenger to come loose from the double stick tape. The body rolled up onto the right rear tire. Down to 4th now. Thought I had the body pulled back far enough DIDN'T rolled up 2 more times.

Finished 4th.


Seen one of the racers I race with was looking to buy a TC3, offered the TC4 to him for the same $$$ as the TC3. ONE less RC in the shed!!!!!!
