Monday, March 24, 2014


Yuper RC (Lakeland, FL)


Did NOT have the tires to fit the track but a 4th still isn't bad!!!! :-)


Have a MRT transponder in the SC10, Yupers timing system listed me as someone else during first qual. Worked well during the next two qual's.

Lined up 6th of 6 for the 10 minute main, by turn 4 was in 2nd, just a few minutes later 1st broke and I drove away for the win, lapping the whole field, SO I THOUGHT!!!

Timing system choose to NOT count 3 of my laps, finished 3rd. Pointed out the timing error to the race director, was basically told it was my problem cause I have a MRT transponder!!!!!!!

They are on my "No Race" list now!!!!!
