FZRC (Sarasota, FL)
A day at da' Home track :-) Mike is to join up with me and bring "Hat" a RC Wish recipient. FZ is hosting a RC Wish race day, we received 6 cars and two boxes of parts!!!!
[Brought a HPI Blitz home to prepare for RC Wish, it was ready in about 4 hours, (2/21/2014)]
Most of the tires I have are over 4 months old OR older and tread design has gotten BETTER!!!! Plus the SC's have gotten better. Was able to qual in 6th, finished 5th!!!
Have 12 more races to get in and will have raced 500 races!!!!!
Christmas to New Years off, so looking at
12/27 > Mann's on road
12/29 > oval on road
12.31 > FZ NITRO night
1/3 > ??? maybe Mann's
Saturday, December 13, 2014
Quaker Steak and Lube (Clearwater, FL)
Had planned to race in Touring, VTA and Rally but first got to meet "Kmicheal" from R/C Tech forum. The thing is we have known each other for years, I just didn't know Mike was Kmicheal!!!!
Couple days ago did a setup sheet from the settings in the manual. The two bits that were different from the settings that I had been using was two .030 washers in the inner link ballstuds front and rear.
Today's quals and main provide that, this is a BAD setup bit!!
Qual'd 7th finished 5th.
Kmicheal had a set of VTA tires for me when I got to the "Lube", so I'm race ready for the next few months.
Tried "Saucing" these tires before the first qual, not so good took half the race for them to hook up like the did during practice. The XXX-S had no rear traction. Sauced the rear tires only for the 2nd qual, took half the race before they would hook up. Didn't sauce them for the mains, took 4 laps to warm them up, then go at the tone.
Qual'd 5th finished 4th.
Watched two SC doing some practice laps before setting the GT on the track. Took two laps to get the foam tires up to temp, then blew by them down the back straight just to let them know "Rally" class is MINE!!!!!!
TQ'd both qual's and NEVER drove hard after turn two for the win!!!
Next race at the "Lube" is next year 1/10/15
Quaker Steak and Lube (Clearwater, FL)
Had planned to race in Touring, VTA and Rally but first got to meet "Kmicheal" from R/C Tech forum. The thing is we have known each other for years, I just didn't know Mike was Kmicheal!!!!
Couple days ago did a setup sheet from the settings in the manual. The two bits that were different from the settings that I had been using was two .030 washers in the inner link ballstuds front and rear.
Today's quals and main provide that, this is a BAD setup bit!!
Qual'd 7th finished 5th.
Kmicheal had a set of VTA tires for me when I got to the "Lube", so I'm race ready for the next few months.
Tried "Saucing" these tires before the first qual, not so good took half the race for them to hook up like the did during practice. The XXX-S had no rear traction. Sauced the rear tires only for the 2nd qual, took half the race before they would hook up. Didn't sauce them for the mains, took 4 laps to warm them up, then go at the tone.
Qual'd 5th finished 4th.
Watched two SC doing some practice laps before setting the GT on the track. Took two laps to get the foam tires up to temp, then blew by them down the back straight just to let them know "Rally" class is MINE!!!!!!
TQ'd both qual's and NEVER drove hard after turn two for the win!!!
Next race at the "Lube" is next year 1/10/15
Sunday, December 7, 2014
Dean's Discount Hobby and Race Complex (New Port Richey, FL)
New track, visited a few weeks ago when I was working in the area (it's over 80 miles one way).
Reminds me of Farmers Hobby and Raceway, corner table top and step downs << SWEEEET!!
Normal clay (not treated with sugar or Calcium) just water, takes 1 and a half qual to bring the track surface up to race speed.
As the track races ele and nitro classes, the GT2 was loaded for the trip.
Ran fine during practice, won't start for the first qual!!! Told race director to start with out me and as they got two laps in it started!!!!!! 2nd qual had all four front bulkhead screws come out!!!!!
The main, was ahead of 3rd by two laps when I touched a pipe to break the left rear shock, only 20 foot from my pit. Repaired the shock and was back at it with a minute to go. Got within one lap of passing 2nd for a 3rd place finish!!
Hole Shots (M3) on the rear was just NOT hooking up!!! HS's are the base tire everywhere!!!!!! By the mains the HS's were working well!!! Qual'd 3rd finished 2nd.
Forgot how long a day off road racing is with a 80-90 minute drive each way is!!!
BUT the FUN level was at 100%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dean's Discount Hobby and Race Complex (New Port Richey, FL)
New track, visited a few weeks ago when I was working in the area (it's over 80 miles one way).
Reminds me of Farmers Hobby and Raceway, corner table top and step downs << SWEEEET!!
Normal clay (not treated with sugar or Calcium) just water, takes 1 and a half qual to bring the track surface up to race speed.
As the track races ele and nitro classes, the GT2 was loaded for the trip.
Ran fine during practice, won't start for the first qual!!! Told race director to start with out me and as they got two laps in it started!!!!!! 2nd qual had all four front bulkhead screws come out!!!!!
The main, was ahead of 3rd by two laps when I touched a pipe to break the left rear shock, only 20 foot from my pit. Repaired the shock and was back at it with a minute to go. Got within one lap of passing 2nd for a 3rd place finish!!
Hole Shots (M3) on the rear was just NOT hooking up!!! HS's are the base tire everywhere!!!!!! By the mains the HS's were working well!!! Qual'd 3rd finished 2nd.
Forgot how long a day off road racing is with a 80-90 minute drive each way is!!!
BUT the FUN level was at 100%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Saturday, November 29, 2014
Mann's RC (Ruskin, FL)
TQ'd the first qual, then thing went down hill!!! Track warmed up and the tires I had on didn't work any more. Finished 5th behind 3 oval RC and a Jato. ******
Just would not stay hooked up, changed the rear spacers, then the front spacers and for the main new tires. Finished 3rd by the skin of my teeth!!!!!
Two of the Jato racers changed to oval based RC's. WAY out classed me, the GT2 is a offroad RC that has been mod'd for onroad. It is at least an stadium truck like a Jato is. It's NOT a RC that is designed as a oval RC.
Thinking I should not race against the oval RC's so, may not race that class until they change to onroad for that class, like when they started this class.
NOT upset with anyone OR the management at Mann's, just looking how the class changed in two weeks.
Mann's RC (Ruskin, FL)
TQ'd the first qual, then thing went down hill!!! Track warmed up and the tires I had on didn't work any more. Finished 5th behind 3 oval RC and a Jato. ******
Just would not stay hooked up, changed the rear spacers, then the front spacers and for the main new tires. Finished 3rd by the skin of my teeth!!!!!
Two of the Jato racers changed to oval based RC's. WAY out classed me, the GT2 is a offroad RC that has been mod'd for onroad. It is at least an stadium truck like a Jato is. It's NOT a RC that is designed as a oval RC.
Thinking I should not race against the oval RC's so, may not race that class until they change to onroad for that class, like when they started this class.
NOT upset with anyone OR the management at Mann's, just looking how the class changed in two weeks.
Friday, November 28, 2014
Quaker Steak and Lube (Clearwater, FL)
Things worked out to race three classes!!! :-)
Was able to TQ both qual's BUT had the wrong rear tires on for the main! Didn't watch the weather (air and track temperature) was able to finishes 3rd.
Had changed to to a 17.5 setup for Vantage Trans Am class with a Mustang body. VTA class is limited to a 25.5 motor. During practice, trimmed the throttle setting to 100% to best match the speed of the other VTA's
Didn't have the correct tires, was able to finish 4th. Not bad for the first VTA race for me.
Was able to get some 32R tires (5 sets for $40) so I'm set for a few weeks of Mod Tour class. :-)
TC4 ran just SWEEEET! Qual'd 4th, was able to stay with 1st (he was racing a X-ray), for about 4 laps then he was GONE!! A 2nd worked well in this class.
Quaker Steak and Lube (Clearwater, FL)
Things worked out to race three classes!!! :-)
Was able to TQ both qual's BUT had the wrong rear tires on for the main! Didn't watch the weather (air and track temperature) was able to finishes 3rd.
Had changed to to a 17.5 setup for Vantage Trans Am class with a Mustang body. VTA class is limited to a 25.5 motor. During practice, trimmed the throttle setting to 100% to best match the speed of the other VTA's
Didn't have the correct tires, was able to finish 4th. Not bad for the first VTA race for me.
Was able to get some 32R tires (5 sets for $40) so I'm set for a few weeks of Mod Tour class. :-)
TC4 ran just SWEEEET! Qual'd 4th, was able to stay with 1st (he was racing a X-ray), for about 4 laps then he was GONE!! A 2nd worked well in this class.
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
FZRC (Sarasota, FL.)
First race in a LONG time racn' on clay!!!!!
THE plan for the day was have a LOT of fun and not take someone out!!!!!
B4.1 +8
Seven of us in Mod buggy and I was the only rear motor buggy. Didn't get in any one way, just got passed a LOT!!!!
The main was just sweet!! The TQ choose to NOT race the main so I moved up to a possible sixth, at the tone was in 4th coming out of turn one; was rear ended up and over the line pipe behind the timing loop, got a 9 sec lap. That caused a GREAT problem at the end as the race director didn't know how to fix the scoring!! Anyway a racer broke so I'm up to 5th, just behind 4th, was able to keep close for 5 - 6 laps, just as I thought I had a chance to get 4th > hit a pipe and he was gone!!!!!!
Same as the B4, didn't get in anyone way and got lapped a lot.
BUT just one main before the Mod SC main the rains came!!!!!
Back to Mann's next week for on road racn'!!!!!
FZRC (Sarasota, FL.)
First race in a LONG time racn' on clay!!!!!
THE plan for the day was have a LOT of fun and not take someone out!!!!!
B4.1 +8
Seven of us in Mod buggy and I was the only rear motor buggy. Didn't get in any one way, just got passed a LOT!!!!
The main was just sweet!! The TQ choose to NOT race the main so I moved up to a possible sixth, at the tone was in 4th coming out of turn one; was rear ended up and over the line pipe behind the timing loop, got a 9 sec lap. That caused a GREAT problem at the end as the race director didn't know how to fix the scoring!! Anyway a racer broke so I'm up to 5th, just behind 4th, was able to keep close for 5 - 6 laps, just as I thought I had a chance to get 4th > hit a pipe and he was gone!!!!!!
Same as the B4, didn't get in anyone way and got lapped a lot.
BUT just one main before the Mod SC main the rains came!!!!!
Back to Mann's next week for on road racn'!!!!!
Tuesday, November 4, 2014
Mann's RC (Ruskin, FL)
Race director choose to race the Jato class on the oval part of the track, again. Starting to get the hang of racn' oval!!! My starts are not so good, BUT after 2 -3 laps I'm good. Was able to get by 2nd for a lap, then ran to wide in a turn and he got by and stayed there for the next lap for 2nd!!!
First race for this RC, traded 3 pan cars for this last week. Crash course in setting up a TC4. Not bad qual'd 2nd.
Beat TQ to turn one and got about a half lap lead on him by the time the marshals got the pileup straightened. At lap 32 of 40 TQ, an back marker and I ran 3 wide down the front straight, I was the looser!!! Still finished 2nd!
First race as a Spec 13.5. The only change from last week was the removal of the 10.5 motor and esc to install the 13.5 motor with "Blicky" esc.
TQ'd and 1st!!! Sweeeeet!!!
Mann's RC (Ruskin, FL)
Race director choose to race the Jato class on the oval part of the track, again. Starting to get the hang of racn' oval!!! My starts are not so good, BUT after 2 -3 laps I'm good. Was able to get by 2nd for a lap, then ran to wide in a turn and he got by and stayed there for the next lap for 2nd!!!
First race for this RC, traded 3 pan cars for this last week. Crash course in setting up a TC4. Not bad qual'd 2nd.
Beat TQ to turn one and got about a half lap lead on him by the time the marshals got the pileup straightened. At lap 32 of 40 TQ, an back marker and I ran 3 wide down the front straight, I was the looser!!! Still finished 2nd!
First race as a Spec 13.5. The only change from last week was the removal of the 10.5 motor and esc to install the 13.5 motor with "Blicky" esc.
TQ'd and 1st!!! Sweeeeet!!!
Sunday, October 26, 2014
Mann's RC (Ruskin, FL)
Started out good turned BAD, then turned good!!!!!!
Tested XXX-S #2 as a spek class car. Trying to get speed without a lot of heat in motor had a 33 tooth pinion to start. 35 more speed no motor temps above 110, 37 and more speed and motor temps 105!!! Then seen the drive belt rubbing. Parked to XXX-S #2.
Qual'd 3rd with a set of BSR Blues. Changed to Sweep 36 for the main as the Blues just were NOT working well.
Da' main, was 3rd about mid way in the main, hit the wall at the same place as last week, rolled backwards about 4 feet, spooled the belt off again!!!!!!!
Qual'd 2nd. Ran about 5 - 6 laps during warm up for the main, lined up as the last racer got on to the track, race director instructed us to make a warm up lap. Lined up, GO at the tone. Tone, pulled trigger and flamed out!!!!!!!!! Was able to get back to the pit, start the GT2 and get two laps in before the main ended for a 5th finish.
Now the REAL GOOD!!!! :-)
Traded the 12l pan cars for a AE TC4, the XXX-S is retired!!!!!!!!!
Mann's RC (Ruskin, FL)
Started out good turned BAD, then turned good!!!!!!
Tested XXX-S #2 as a spek class car. Trying to get speed without a lot of heat in motor had a 33 tooth pinion to start. 35 more speed no motor temps above 110, 37 and more speed and motor temps 105!!! Then seen the drive belt rubbing. Parked to XXX-S #2.
Qual'd 3rd with a set of BSR Blues. Changed to Sweep 36 for the main as the Blues just were NOT working well.
Da' main, was 3rd about mid way in the main, hit the wall at the same place as last week, rolled backwards about 4 feet, spooled the belt off again!!!!!!!
Qual'd 2nd. Ran about 5 - 6 laps during warm up for the main, lined up as the last racer got on to the track, race director instructed us to make a warm up lap. Lined up, GO at the tone. Tone, pulled trigger and flamed out!!!!!!!!! Was able to get back to the pit, start the GT2 and get two laps in before the main ended for a 5th finish.
Now the REAL GOOD!!!! :-)
Traded the 12l pan cars for a AE TC4, the XXX-S is retired!!!!!!!!!
WOW I'm way behind in posting!!!!!
Mann's RC (Ruskin, FL)
Shriner's Benefit Race
Qual'd well in the top 4. The main wasn't so nice!
Was running 3rd, then a wall got to close at top speed, the impact caused the drive belt to spool off the pulley's!! Dead on the track!
Qual'd 3rd, hoped for a 2nd in the main. 1st (Mike) was rear ended by another racer and was out; was looking good for a 1st :-) Then 2nd (Louis) was able to pass me, in 2nd again :-(. Two laps later 1st had a run in with another racer and I was by into 1st, then was passed just before (Louis) tangled with the same racer in the same corner and I was clear for the win!!!!
WOW I'm way behind in posting!!!!!
Mann's RC (Ruskin, FL)
Shriner's Benefit Race
Qual'd well in the top 4. The main wasn't so nice!
Was running 3rd, then a wall got to close at top speed, the impact caused the drive belt to spool off the pulley's!! Dead on the track!
Qual'd 3rd, hoped for a 2nd in the main. 1st (Mike) was rear ended by another racer and was out; was looking good for a 1st :-) Then 2nd (Louis) was able to pass me, in 2nd again :-(. Two laps later 1st had a run in with another racer and I was by into 1st, then was passed just before (Louis) tangled with the same racer in the same corner and I was clear for the win!!!!
Monday, October 13, 2014
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
Mann's RC (Ruskin, FL)
A couple little adjustments, received a set of 1/10 setup wheels. Set the front and rear camber and the front toe, then at the track changed to Losi blue spring in the rear shocks. This thing just gets better and better!!!!
TQ!!!!!! Had a ten-fifteen foot lead on 2nd at about half way on the first lap and touched a pipe wrong and I was on my top waiting for a marshal!!! Did this 2 more times!! Last I figured, I was in 5th at the end. When I seen the results, I was in 3rd just 6 sec's behind 2nd, IF I had known I was that close, may have been able to get 2nd!!!!
Losi XXX-S
Had TQ for about five laps in first qual, then Max got in gear and was gone!!!!
Qual'd 3rd but at the start Shark broken so I started in 2nd and that is how I finished!!!!
NO racing for me 10/11/14 have to work at UTC to get some store signs up in time for UTC grand opening 10/16/14.
Mann's RC (Ruskin, FL)
A couple little adjustments, received a set of 1/10 setup wheels. Set the front and rear camber and the front toe, then at the track changed to Losi blue spring in the rear shocks. This thing just gets better and better!!!!
TQ!!!!!! Had a ten-fifteen foot lead on 2nd at about half way on the first lap and touched a pipe wrong and I was on my top waiting for a marshal!!! Did this 2 more times!! Last I figured, I was in 5th at the end. When I seen the results, I was in 3rd just 6 sec's behind 2nd, IF I had known I was that close, may have been able to get 2nd!!!!
Losi XXX-S
Had TQ for about five laps in first qual, then Max got in gear and was gone!!!!
Qual'd 3rd but at the start Shark broken so I started in 2nd and that is how I finished!!!!
NO racing for me 10/11/14 have to work at UTC to get some store signs up in time for UTC grand opening 10/16/14.
Saturday, September 27, 2014
Mann's RC (Ruskin, FL.)
TQ'd both qual's and sat upside down in the middle of the track as the marshals where working on dead RC's!!! A spectator ran over and righted me. I was very upset, almost just parked the RC10GT2. Choose to at least finish the race, even through I was almost a lap down. Got with in 30 foot of 1st and 2nd when they touched and was right on them. As we were finishing lap 3 from the finish, a bit of rain started. Have NEVER raced slick tires in the rain!!!! 1st and 2nd got a 20 foot lead on me. Was able to catch 2nd at the last turn, he slipped in the rain and I didn't for 2nd.
Shark and I battled for thw TQ in the 1st qual, shark on the last two laps was able to put 6 sec between us. Max show up (haven't race with him since FZRC) and as we lined up for the 2nd qual shark broke so I thought I had a op to out qual him. was running well until 10 laps to go when Max got up to speed and ran away with the TQ!!!! Was able to cut sharks qual time to just 4 sec's faster.
The bit of rain became a DOWN POUR!!!!
So my qual of 3rd is how the XXX-S finished for the day!
RAINED OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-(
Mann's RC (Ruskin, FL.)
TQ'd both qual's and sat upside down in the middle of the track as the marshals where working on dead RC's!!! A spectator ran over and righted me. I was very upset, almost just parked the RC10GT2. Choose to at least finish the race, even through I was almost a lap down. Got with in 30 foot of 1st and 2nd when they touched and was right on them. As we were finishing lap 3 from the finish, a bit of rain started. Have NEVER raced slick tires in the rain!!!! 1st and 2nd got a 20 foot lead on me. Was able to catch 2nd at the last turn, he slipped in the rain and I didn't for 2nd.
Shark and I battled for thw TQ in the 1st qual, shark on the last two laps was able to put 6 sec between us. Max show up (haven't race with him since FZRC) and as we lined up for the 2nd qual shark broke so I thought I had a op to out qual him. was running well until 10 laps to go when Max got up to speed and ran away with the TQ!!!! Was able to cut sharks qual time to just 4 sec's faster.
The bit of rain became a DOWN POUR!!!!
So my qual of 3rd is how the XXX-S finished for the day!
RAINED OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-(
Mann's RC (Ruskin, FL.)
Had problems during both qual'd, lost a wheel and had a link come loose.
Go at the Tone!!! Did and was first into the 2nd turn driving away for the win!!
Had two GREAT qual's, out TQ'd Shark (FIRST time!!!!).
Go at the tone, left turned into the wall!!!! Didn't go 3 feet!!!!
Mann's RC (Ruskin, FL.)
Had problems during both qual'd, lost a wheel and had a link come loose.
Go at the Tone!!! Did and was first into the 2nd turn driving away for the win!!
Had two GREAT qual's, out TQ'd Shark (FIRST time!!!!).
Go at the tone, left turned into the wall!!!! Didn't go 3 feet!!!!
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Mann's RC (Ruskin, FL.)
GREAT getting to race NITRO!!!!
TQ'd both quals. Got a clear run into turn 1, was on my way to a win (Well I am looking positively!!). But as the GT2 passed under the timing loop the engine move (lost 2 of the 4 mount bolts), two laps later was passed, now in 2nd was able to keep just enough speed to keep that placement to the end.
Losi XXX-S
TQ'd this class!!!!!! Don't know how that happened!!!
Same as with the GT2 got a clear run into turn 1 and was away looking for the win. five laps to go Scott was able to pass me, was able to stay close to him to the end!
Next Sat will be at FZ for a bit of Da' Clay (off road) racing!!!
Mann's RC (Ruskin, FL.)
GREAT getting to race NITRO!!!!
TQ'd both quals. Got a clear run into turn 1, was on my way to a win (Well I am looking positively!!). But as the GT2 passed under the timing loop the engine move (lost 2 of the 4 mount bolts), two laps later was passed, now in 2nd was able to keep just enough speed to keep that placement to the end.
Losi XXX-S
TQ'd this class!!!!!! Don't know how that happened!!!
Same as with the GT2 got a clear run into turn 1 and was away looking for the win. five laps to go Scott was able to pass me, was able to stay close to him to the end!
Next Sat will be at FZ for a bit of Da' Clay (off road) racing!!!
Saturday, September 6, 2014
Mann's RC (Ruskin, FL)
Wanted to try foam tires BUT this isn't possible until a 21 tooth clutch bell is bought and installed so the rubber tires were left on. Qual'd 2nd, was on 1st tail most of the main, but couldn't get by him!!!!!
Still racing NITRO again is just SWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET!!!!
Set the rear axles full rear, then changed rear springs from blue to red (softer). One sweet handling RC. Getting ready for the A-main sauced the rear tires only to insure that there would be enough rear taction until the tires come up to race temp, have plenty of front traction.
Started 4th by turn six was 3rd, pushing 2nd he spin in a corner and I was gone!!! :-) Half lap from finish Shark in 3rd was far enough behind to NOT have a chance to take 2nd from my unless!!!! Yep, touched a pipe and he was by for 2nd!!!!!
Mann's RC (Ruskin, FL)
Wanted to try foam tires BUT this isn't possible until a 21 tooth clutch bell is bought and installed so the rubber tires were left on. Qual'd 2nd, was on 1st tail most of the main, but couldn't get by him!!!!!
Still racing NITRO again is just SWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET!!!!
Set the rear axles full rear, then changed rear springs from blue to red (softer). One sweet handling RC. Getting ready for the A-main sauced the rear tires only to insure that there would be enough rear taction until the tires come up to race temp, have plenty of front traction.
Started 4th by turn six was 3rd, pushing 2nd he spin in a corner and I was gone!!! :-) Half lap from finish Shark in 3rd was far enough behind to NOT have a chance to take 2nd from my unless!!!! Yep, touched a pipe and he was by for 2nd!!!!!
Monday, August 25, 2014
Mann's RC (Ruskin, FL.)
Had planed to race the RC10GT2, got a lipo receiver battery, everything seemed OK Fri night. Got to the track and the throttle servo was acting up so I put it away.
When I was changing the servo out for a better one noticed that I had not hooked up the throttle return spring!!!!!!!! Put the better servo in just to make sure AND hooked up the spring!!!
That RC was squalling the tires during practice SWEEEEET!!!! Put foam tires on for the qual's and mains. Hit a pipe in the main while in the lead, this popped a steering link loose, finished 3rd.
Tried the low traction roll bits on the rear did NOT like them, put the normal bits back on and centered the front a-arms had them full forward. Went from 6th to 2nd was just 4 sec behind 1st!
Mann's RC (Ruskin, FL.)
Had planed to race the RC10GT2, got a lipo receiver battery, everything seemed OK Fri night. Got to the track and the throttle servo was acting up so I put it away.
When I was changing the servo out for a better one noticed that I had not hooked up the throttle return spring!!!!!!!! Put the better servo in just to make sure AND hooked up the spring!!!
That RC was squalling the tires during practice SWEEEEET!!!! Put foam tires on for the qual's and mains. Hit a pipe in the main while in the lead, this popped a steering link loose, finished 3rd.
Tried the low traction roll bits on the rear did NOT like them, put the normal bits back on and centered the front a-arms had them full forward. Went from 6th to 2nd was just 4 sec behind 1st!
Sunday, August 17, 2014
Mann's RC (Ruskin, FL)
Test day at Mann's!!!! They have a "Jato" class, put the nitro bits back on as the Jato's there are nitro. Rubber tires, bald off road tires, not so good. Got a set of foam tires out then remembered that I had changed to hex rim mounts! All of the foam tires are bearing or pin mount! Will need to install some internal shock travel limiters. As that is done change to 50wt oil in the shocks.
Leo was at Mann's, his first racing at Mann's :-)
He drove the GT-E after the main, he wants me to make his Losi 22T handle as nice as the GT-E. Told him he needed a RC10GT to start with!
Losi XXX-S
Shark and I raced nose to nose in the 2nd qual, he finished in front of me by two feet!!!! As we left the drivers stand he said that he thought I had him at times.
Started 3rd, was 2nd as we crossed under the lining loop, as we entered turn one three cars hit me in the rear which spun me around and was 8th coming out of turn one. As we entered turn two found out that there was damage to the XXX-S. Would not turn right, ran straight across the track jumped the divider into the pack of cars!!!!!!
Went to my car and did a quick-ish repair and drove from the pit area. Was able to catch and pass 8th for a 7th place finish!
Mann's RC (Ruskin, FL)
Test day at Mann's!!!! They have a "Jato" class, put the nitro bits back on as the Jato's there are nitro. Rubber tires, bald off road tires, not so good. Got a set of foam tires out then remembered that I had changed to hex rim mounts! All of the foam tires are bearing or pin mount! Will need to install some internal shock travel limiters. As that is done change to 50wt oil in the shocks.
Leo was at Mann's, his first racing at Mann's :-)
He drove the GT-E after the main, he wants me to make his Losi 22T handle as nice as the GT-E. Told him he needed a RC10GT to start with!
Losi XXX-S
Shark and I raced nose to nose in the 2nd qual, he finished in front of me by two feet!!!! As we left the drivers stand he said that he thought I had him at times.
Started 3rd, was 2nd as we crossed under the lining loop, as we entered turn one three cars hit me in the rear which spun me around and was 8th coming out of turn one. As we entered turn two found out that there was damage to the XXX-S. Would not turn right, ran straight across the track jumped the divider into the pack of cars!!!!!!
Went to my car and did a quick-ish repair and drove from the pit area. Was able to catch and pass 8th for a 7th place finish!
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
Quaker Steak and Lube (Clearwater, FL)
Losi XXX-S
Just never got the thing to hookup, was looping out at day!!!!
During the 8 minute main, about the five minute mark, nosed into a pipe, had a front link pop off. As I was starting to remove the body to fix this the Novak esc cap flamed it's self to death!!!!! After getting home replaced the cap and everything is OK!
Still finished 6 of 7!
Had rubber tires on instead of foams, like the sound of rubber tires on asphalt, sounds like real cars!!!!
TQ'd first qual and that was it!! Other racer broke coming across the finish line and went home!!!!!!
Wish he had said something to me before he left. Would have let him race the GT-E, cause I had the GT2 nitro with me!!!
Got 1st place by default!!!!
Quaker Steak and Lube (Clearwater, FL)
Losi XXX-S
Just never got the thing to hookup, was looping out at day!!!!
During the 8 minute main, about the five minute mark, nosed into a pipe, had a front link pop off. As I was starting to remove the body to fix this the Novak esc cap flamed it's self to death!!!!! After getting home replaced the cap and everything is OK!
Still finished 6 of 7!
Had rubber tires on instead of foams, like the sound of rubber tires on asphalt, sounds like real cars!!!!
TQ'd first qual and that was it!! Other racer broke coming across the finish line and went home!!!!!!
Wish he had said something to me before he left. Would have let him race the GT-E, cause I had the GT2 nitro with me!!!
Got 1st place by default!!!!
Saturday, August 2, 2014
Mann's RC (Ruskin, FL)
Losi XXX-S
Wanted to try a set of roll/sway bars BUT there wasn't any for sale anywhere I looked. Did have a picture of what they looked like, looked just like the rear set for an AE B4/T4/SC10. Put the gold on the front and the black on the rear, gold is the bigger of the two.
Reason for wanting to try a set of roll/sway bars, the XXX-S was a little twitchy on the straights. After the first qual, move the link mount on the rear roll/sway bars out 1/10 of an inch, BINGO!!!! The XXX-S was just right!! Sauced front and rear tires before each qual and main.
Go at the tone! Turn one was nosed into a pipe, rear ended by another racer << this happens!!! Was 6th out of 6 :-(. Started doing one turn at a time, one straight at a time, was up to 4th in five laps, 3rd in another two laps by half way was in 2nd, then first had a problem getting around another racer, was on him then past him by the next turn. He tried to get by me two turns later and piped it!!! Which gave me the opening to drive away with the win!!!!!
Before we left for vacation over a week ago, stopped by Mike's house and picked up another XXX-S with parts and two bodies. Need just a few (3) parts and it will be ready to race!!!
Mann's RC (Ruskin, FL)
Losi XXX-S
Wanted to try a set of roll/sway bars BUT there wasn't any for sale anywhere I looked. Did have a picture of what they looked like, looked just like the rear set for an AE B4/T4/SC10. Put the gold on the front and the black on the rear, gold is the bigger of the two.
Reason for wanting to try a set of roll/sway bars, the XXX-S was a little twitchy on the straights. After the first qual, move the link mount on the rear roll/sway bars out 1/10 of an inch, BINGO!!!! The XXX-S was just right!! Sauced front and rear tires before each qual and main.
Go at the tone! Turn one was nosed into a pipe, rear ended by another racer << this happens!!! Was 6th out of 6 :-(. Started doing one turn at a time, one straight at a time, was up to 4th in five laps, 3rd in another two laps by half way was in 2nd, then first had a problem getting around another racer, was on him then past him by the next turn. He tried to get by me two turns later and piped it!!! Which gave me the opening to drive away with the win!!!!!
Before we left for vacation over a week ago, stopped by Mike's house and picked up another XXX-S with parts and two bodies. Need just a few (3) parts and it will be ready to race!!!
Friday, August 1, 2014
7/26 & 28/2014
Fisher, IL
On vacation was hoping to race at WS in Paxton, IL BUT they closed for the month!! :-(
Rick (my brother) and I went to Eli Field for some one on one FUN racing. Don't know who won just had the BEST time with Rick!!!
On the way home visited B&T in Fort Walton Beach, FL. Very nice track wish they were closer so there could be some racing done.
Fisher, IL
On vacation was hoping to race at WS in Paxton, IL BUT they closed for the month!! :-(
Rick (my brother) and I went to Eli Field for some one on one FUN racing. Don't know who won just had the BEST time with Rick!!!
On the way home visited B&T in Fort Walton Beach, FL. Very nice track wish they were closer so there could be some racing done.
Saturday, July 19, 2014
Mann's RC (Ruskin, FL.)
Losi XXX-S
Was a GOOD day for the Losi XXX-S. First time on this track with the 3x-s.
BUT had to work at getting the 3x-s to cleanly run. Track 's scoring is done by I-Laps (LED transponder) 3x-s has a solid window so a hole was made, then enlarged and enlarged even more and constant scoring just wasn't there!!! Mounted the I-Lap on the hood just in front of the window.
At about 8-10 laps per test the rear wouldn't stick, it would loop out under power! Tried adjusting the front and rear diffs, saucing the rear tire and not the front. Was sitting in the pits having lunch, remembered that the setup sheet I used lowered the front to 4.5mm and the rear was set at 6.0mm. Raised the front to 5.5mm and lowered the rear to 5.5mm.
Qual'd 6 of 7, about lap 8 of the 40 lap main the tires came in (got hot enough for best traction) the 3x-s hooked up and started to catch up with 1st and 2nd. Was only 5.6 sec's behind 1st on the same lap at the end!!! Not bad for a 10-12 year old RC!!!!!!
Mann's RC (Ruskin, FL.)
Losi XXX-S
Was a GOOD day for the Losi XXX-S. First time on this track with the 3x-s.
BUT had to work at getting the 3x-s to cleanly run. Track 's scoring is done by I-Laps (LED transponder) 3x-s has a solid window so a hole was made, then enlarged and enlarged even more and constant scoring just wasn't there!!! Mounted the I-Lap on the hood just in front of the window.
At about 8-10 laps per test the rear wouldn't stick, it would loop out under power! Tried adjusting the front and rear diffs, saucing the rear tire and not the front. Was sitting in the pits having lunch, remembered that the setup sheet I used lowered the front to 4.5mm and the rear was set at 6.0mm. Raised the front to 5.5mm and lowered the rear to 5.5mm.
Qual'd 6 of 7, about lap 8 of the 40 lap main the tires came in (got hot enough for best traction) the 3x-s hooked up and started to catch up with 1st and 2nd. Was only 5.6 sec's behind 1st on the same lap at the end!!! Not bad for a 10-12 year old RC!!!!!!
Saturday, July 12, 2014
Quaker Steak and Lube (Clearwater, FL)
First visit to QS&L, I'm looking forward to a FUN day!!!!
Losi XXX-S
Track owner gave me some tires as I had burnt the stock tires off to the foams in front of the house! :-)
The harder I drove during practice the more loose the rear end became, NEVER got this fixed!! Qual'd in 8th was racing with 3rd until I hit a pipe and popped a ball cup loose. Was able to repair this and back on the track, for a 4th place finish 10 laps down from 3rd.
Not bad for being the first time on this track and the first time for racing this RC.
Took this along just for the FUN!!! Didn't really plan to race it!
Ran about 6 laps of practice on the foam tires then changed to the rubber ones to see the differences in them. The foams had traction and turning, the rubber had traction but little turning compared to the foams. Decide to race the GT-E with foams.
Lined up last, so I wouldn't get in the way of the faster racers, during the first qual. By the timing loop I was in the lead and driving away!!!!!!! Lapped 2nd 3 or 4 times!!!!!
It didn't seem fair to just drive away and lap the other racers over and over and over. As a Make a RC Wish member we are not to discourage another racer. So turned the radio TH setting from 150% to 120% so I would not have a high top end, this should make for a more equal main.
Go at the tone, 2nd stayed with me for about 4 laps then hit a pipe and I was gone for the win!
Next week Mann's RC in Ruskin, FL
Quaker Steak and Lube (Clearwater, FL)
First visit to QS&L, I'm looking forward to a FUN day!!!!
Losi XXX-S
Track owner gave me some tires as I had burnt the stock tires off to the foams in front of the house! :-)
The harder I drove during practice the more loose the rear end became, NEVER got this fixed!! Qual'd in 8th was racing with 3rd until I hit a pipe and popped a ball cup loose. Was able to repair this and back on the track, for a 4th place finish 10 laps down from 3rd.
Not bad for being the first time on this track and the first time for racing this RC.
Took this along just for the FUN!!! Didn't really plan to race it!
Ran about 6 laps of practice on the foam tires then changed to the rubber ones to see the differences in them. The foams had traction and turning, the rubber had traction but little turning compared to the foams. Decide to race the GT-E with foams.
Lined up last, so I wouldn't get in the way of the faster racers, during the first qual. By the timing loop I was in the lead and driving away!!!!!!! Lapped 2nd 3 or 4 times!!!!!
It didn't seem fair to just drive away and lap the other racers over and over and over. As a Make a RC Wish member we are not to discourage another racer. So turned the radio TH setting from 150% to 120% so I would not have a high top end, this should make for a more equal main.
Go at the tone, 2nd stayed with me for about 4 laps then hit a pipe and I was gone for the win!
Next week Mann's RC in Ruskin, FL
Sunday, July 6, 2014
Home ( Ellenton, FL)
All the parts came in to prepare the Losi XXX-S on road race RC. New drive belt, droop screws and the XP esc/ Reedy 3300 motor RTR combo. Everything in place, adjusted and lipo charged.
On the street in front of the house, DRIFTing like I have never done with a RC!!! This is a on road RACE rc not a drifter!! Into the shop, checking the camber front had to much -camber. Left rear had to much -camber, right rear had +camber????????????? Back on the street, better drifting!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Back in the shop, noticed the lipo had move to the full forward placement, moved to the full rear and put a stop bolt on the battery brace to stop the movement. Put a rear wing on, then back to the street.
Now this is a On Road RACE RC!!!!!!
The bad! Need new tires all around, the rears are so far gone the foams are showing through the tire body!!!!!!
Home ( Ellenton, FL)
All the parts came in to prepare the Losi XXX-S on road race RC. New drive belt, droop screws and the XP esc/ Reedy 3300 motor RTR combo. Everything in place, adjusted and lipo charged.
On the street in front of the house, DRIFTing like I have never done with a RC!!! This is a on road RACE rc not a drifter!! Into the shop, checking the camber front had to much -camber. Left rear had to much -camber, right rear had +camber????????????? Back on the street, better drifting!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Back in the shop, noticed the lipo had move to the full forward placement, moved to the full rear and put a stop bolt on the battery brace to stop the movement. Put a rear wing on, then back to the street.
Now this is a On Road RACE RC!!!!!!
The bad! Need new tires all around, the rears are so far gone the foams are showing through the tire body!!!!!!
Monday, June 30, 2014
SS Hobby and Raceway (Tampa, FL)
Race 10 of the best 8 of 10 series!!!
RC10B4.1 +8
Leo and I were tied for first as we waited for the tone. Had a 5 foot lead at turn two then the pack caught us, I was never close after that!!!!!! Leo finished 3rd with the series win, I finished 4th for a second in the series!!!
Leo started racing just a few short months ago (around 8 months) and now he is the winner of the best 8 of 10 series!!! Way to go Leo!!!!!
As the day started had a one point lead over Leo in ST class, then Leo TQ'd the first qual and I couldn't out TQ him in the 2nd qual. At the start tone we were even in points. Leo lead into the first turn, I went for the wall ride to get around him going into turn two. Cliff and Leo tangled going over the 2nd hump before turn two, I was by them and GONE for the win!!!!
Took first in ST and Leo has a second, he was catching me during the last two minutes of the main!!
The first six races drove the SC10, well enough for a 8 point lead over Cliff. Did the ele change to the SC10GT four weeks ago, worked so well that I have parked the SC10.
Had a 12 point lead over Cliff so I had no need to race hard, stay just in front or just behind Cliff and the series win was mine, BUT that didn't happen.
Qual'd 3rd, wall road to stay with 1st and 2nd until 2nd missed a jump and we drove for about 20-30 foot side by side. We rub just right for him to do a side roll, I slowed down to see if he would roll on over or not. IF not I would stop until a marshal assisted him. He rolled on over and I was gone!!! a few laps later 1st had a problem and was at his side in a heart beat!!!!
A few feet later the same thing as 2nd, 1st did a side roll. When a plastic chassis SC rubs a alm EX Nitro SC the plastic SC looses. Slowed down to see if he would roll on over he did and I was GONE for the win!!!!!
Wall riding for the win-win!!!
Awards banquet will be in two weeks, two 1st and a 2nd not bad for a almost 64 year old against the young whipper snappers!!!!! :-)
SS Hobby and Raceway (Tampa, FL)
Race 10 of the best 8 of 10 series!!!
RC10B4.1 +8
Leo and I were tied for first as we waited for the tone. Had a 5 foot lead at turn two then the pack caught us, I was never close after that!!!!!! Leo finished 3rd with the series win, I finished 4th for a second in the series!!!
Leo started racing just a few short months ago (around 8 months) and now he is the winner of the best 8 of 10 series!!! Way to go Leo!!!!!
As the day started had a one point lead over Leo in ST class, then Leo TQ'd the first qual and I couldn't out TQ him in the 2nd qual. At the start tone we were even in points. Leo lead into the first turn, I went for the wall ride to get around him going into turn two. Cliff and Leo tangled going over the 2nd hump before turn two, I was by them and GONE for the win!!!!
Took first in ST and Leo has a second, he was catching me during the last two minutes of the main!!
The first six races drove the SC10, well enough for a 8 point lead over Cliff. Did the ele change to the SC10GT four weeks ago, worked so well that I have parked the SC10.
Had a 12 point lead over Cliff so I had no need to race hard, stay just in front or just behind Cliff and the series win was mine, BUT that didn't happen.
Qual'd 3rd, wall road to stay with 1st and 2nd until 2nd missed a jump and we drove for about 20-30 foot side by side. We rub just right for him to do a side roll, I slowed down to see if he would roll on over or not. IF not I would stop until a marshal assisted him. He rolled on over and I was gone!!! a few laps later 1st had a problem and was at his side in a heart beat!!!!
A few feet later the same thing as 2nd, 1st did a side roll. When a plastic chassis SC rubs a alm EX Nitro SC the plastic SC looses. Slowed down to see if he would roll on over he did and I was GONE for the win!!!!!
Wall riding for the win-win!!!
Awards banquet will be in two weeks, two 1st and a 2nd not bad for a almost 64 year old against the young whipper snappers!!!!! :-)
Tuesday, June 24, 2014
Mann's RC (Ruskin, FL)
TQ'd the first round, wasn't pushing it wanted to save my only tires!!!
2nd round a kid that couldn't drive his way out of a wet paper bag with his car out TQ'd me, with someone else's car!!!!
Raced for 35 laps was only one lap down from the kid!!!
Kid wasn't in the first round of qual's in my class, changed to my class after the first round. Odd!!!!!!
Mann's RC (Ruskin, FL)
TQ'd the first round, wasn't pushing it wanted to save my only tires!!!
2nd round a kid that couldn't drive his way out of a wet paper bag with his car out TQ'd me, with someone else's car!!!!
Raced for 35 laps was only one lap down from the kid!!!
Kid wasn't in the first round of qual's in my class, changed to my class after the first round. Odd!!!!!!
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
SS Hobby and Raceway (Tampa, FL)
Race 10 of the best 8 of 10 series was to be Sunday. BUT 23 hrs and 45 minutes before the track was to opened (10am) a entry on Facebook was made, which I didn't read. Day after the race date the reason was given. Good reason, just odd timing in informing the racers.
Another track was hosting a memorial race for a local racer that had passed. SS didn't want to interfere with them. So, it was a NON-points race day.
B4.1 +8
Drove my tail off and finished 5th!!!!
TQ'd and tossed a mip pin on lap six!! Still finished 5th!!
Matt, Cliff and I drove our tails off for the last five laps. Matt finished 1st, and Cliff was 3rd.
SS Hobby and Raceway (Tampa, FL)
Race 10 of the best 8 of 10 series was to be Sunday. BUT 23 hrs and 45 minutes before the track was to opened (10am) a entry on Facebook was made, which I didn't read. Day after the race date the reason was given. Good reason, just odd timing in informing the racers.
Another track was hosting a memorial race for a local racer that had passed. SS didn't want to interfere with them. So, it was a NON-points race day.
B4.1 +8
Drove my tail off and finished 5th!!!!
TQ'd and tossed a mip pin on lap six!! Still finished 5th!!
Matt, Cliff and I drove our tails off for the last five laps. Matt finished 1st, and Cliff was 3rd.
Monday, June 9, 2014
Mann's RC (Ruskin, FL)
2nd time on road racn'!!! Watching how others are raced, it's seems racn' a NON-on road RC isn't that welcome when you are busting the front line every qual!! No change to the RC's other than bald tires front and rear!!
B4.1 +8
Wanted to broaden my knowledge of on road racing. So the buggy was raced. Way harder to race a narrow front wheeled rear motored RC!! The RC10GT2-E was much easier last weekend!!
Was able to qual in 4th, was in 3rd until the red line became un-soldered from the battery bullet plug!!!Still finished 4th! :-)
Gena will be home 6/9, so no more double race weekends!!
6/15 last race of SS's best 8 of 10 series
6/21 is BACK to the HOME track Saturday at FZ
6/28 is Mann's RC Saturday!!!
Mann's RC (Ruskin, FL)
2nd time on road racn'!!! Watching how others are raced, it's seems racn' a NON-on road RC isn't that welcome when you are busting the front line every qual!! No change to the RC's other than bald tires front and rear!!
B4.1 +8
Wanted to broaden my knowledge of on road racing. So the buggy was raced. Way harder to race a narrow front wheeled rear motored RC!! The RC10GT2-E was much easier last weekend!!
Was able to qual in 4th, was in 3rd until the red line became un-soldered from the battery bullet plug!!!Still finished 4th! :-)
Gena will be home 6/9, so no more double race weekends!!
6/15 last race of SS's best 8 of 10 series
6/21 is BACK to the HOME track Saturday at FZ
6/28 is Mann's RC Saturday!!!
Sunday, June 8, 2014
SS Hobbies and Raceway (Tampa, FL)
Race 9 of 10 series.
B4.1 +8
Was hoping to move into 1st, Matt wasn't there and ALL I needed to do is finish in front of Leo, we are tied for 2nd. One motor wire came loose and by the time it was pluged back in Leo got by me. Was able to get back on the same lap BUT ran out of time to catch and pass him. So he should have the lead by two points!!!!
Was on the track by 9:20 (track opens at 10:00)
This RC was just sweet on TEST tires >> JC Goosebumps f/r!!! At
the start of lap two, was able to pull full throttle, making the front
doubles into singles EASILY!!! Changed to Proline Slicer (M3) on the front and Calibers (M3) on the rear.
TQ'd the first qual, was out TQ'd in the 2nd qual of round one. Started in 4th just behind the guy in 2nd in the series.
5th rear ended me in turn one, came out in 9th, he went over the outer pipe!! Drove my tail off to catch the guy in second, 1st had already passed me. 2nd was a 1/3 of a lap in front of me at minute 6 of 8. In three laps was on him, singled the front doubles and he touched a pipe was I went by in the air!! Drove away with a smile on my face, NOT because he crashed BUT because this RC can be pushed and pushed hard!!! This was better the the SC10 ever was!!!! Should have 12 point lead!
Thinking about taking the AE esc and Reedy 3300 motor out and put the X-Car esc and Speed Passion 10.5 motor in for next weeks finial race!!!
Qual'd in 2nd, the racer in 1st in the series was starting in 5th. Went nose to nose with 1st for 4 laps then landed wrong and 3rd got by about 2 minutes in to the 8 minute main. Was able to keep 3rd to the finish of the race. Should either be in the lead OR tied for 1st in the series.
SS Hobbies and Raceway (Tampa, FL)
Race 9 of 10 series.
B4.1 +8
Was hoping to move into 1st, Matt wasn't there and ALL I needed to do is finish in front of Leo, we are tied for 2nd. One motor wire came loose and by the time it was pluged back in Leo got by me. Was able to get back on the same lap BUT ran out of time to catch and pass him. So he should have the lead by two points!!!!
Was on the track by 9:20 (track opens at 10:00)
TQ'd the first qual, was out TQ'd in the 2nd qual of round one. Started in 4th just behind the guy in 2nd in the series.
5th rear ended me in turn one, came out in 9th, he went over the outer pipe!! Drove my tail off to catch the guy in second, 1st had already passed me. 2nd was a 1/3 of a lap in front of me at minute 6 of 8. In three laps was on him, singled the front doubles and he touched a pipe was I went by in the air!! Drove away with a smile on my face, NOT because he crashed BUT because this RC can be pushed and pushed hard!!! This was better the the SC10 ever was!!!! Should have 12 point lead!
Thinking about taking the AE esc and Reedy 3300 motor out and put the X-Car esc and Speed Passion 10.5 motor in for next weeks finial race!!!
Qual'd in 2nd, the racer in 1st in the series was starting in 5th. Went nose to nose with 1st for 4 laps then landed wrong and 3rd got by about 2 minutes in to the 8 minute main. Was able to keep 3rd to the finish of the race. Should either be in the lead OR tied for 1st in the series.
Sunday, June 1, 2014
SS Hobbies and Raceway (Tampa, FL)
No mains, qual results will be our finish after two Sunday's of trying to get round 8 in of 10!!!
B4.1 +8
Almost had TQ, well had it until the last corner and another racer choose to land on me!!! Should have a 2nd.
Had the TQ until Matt showed up and raced heat two of the SC class. Should have a 2nd here also.
Leo and I got together (MY BAD) and Cliff got a lead on us for the TQ. Again a 2nd for me!!
SS Hobbies and Raceway (Tampa, FL)
No mains, qual results will be our finish after two Sunday's of trying to get round 8 in of 10!!!
B4.1 +8
Almost had TQ, well had it until the last corner and another racer choose to land on me!!! Should have a 2nd.
Had the TQ until Matt showed up and raced heat two of the SC class. Should have a 2nd here also.
Leo and I got together (MY BAD) and Cliff got a lead on us for the TQ. Again a 2nd for me!!
Saturday, May 31, 2014
Mann's RC (Ruskin, FL)
ON ROAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
TQ'd the first qual, got squeezed into a wall <<< seemed that way to me, in the 2nd qual. Took the right front shock and steering link off the GT-E. Was still able to stay close to 2nd.
Got the GT2-E out and started 2nd against 7 TC 5 or 6's! On the 4th or 5th lap ran over a TC something, he nosed into a pipe, and rolled over and 6 got by me!!! By lap 15 was up to 4th, lap 20 was 3rd and closing on 2nd. Was on the same laps as 1st and 2nd just a 1/4 lap back, they beat me across the line for 40 laps to my 39.
BUT a 3rd is just sweet against onroad cars with a offroad truck!!!
Mann's RC (Ruskin, FL)
ON ROAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
TQ'd the first qual, got squeezed into a wall <<< seemed that way to me, in the 2nd qual. Took the right front shock and steering link off the GT-E. Was still able to stay close to 2nd.
Got the GT2-E out and started 2nd against 7 TC 5 or 6's! On the 4th or 5th lap ran over a TC something, he nosed into a pipe, and rolled over and 6 got by me!!! By lap 15 was up to 4th, lap 20 was 3rd and closing on 2nd. Was on the same laps as 1st and 2nd just a 1/4 lap back, they beat me across the line for 40 laps to my 39.
BUT a 3rd is just sweet against onroad cars with a offroad truck!!!
Monday, May 26, 2014
SS Hobbies and Raceway (Tampa, FL)
9am and the track was was perfect!
Announced that they are waiting for some racers from the Force Series so start time will be 1pm.
They had posted that there will be 3 qual's to give time for these racers to have time to get to SS. Start time was posted as 12 noon. Not a problem making needed adjustments, this wasn't one of them.
Sprayed the track with sugar water GOOD thing, then HOSED the track and sugared it, NO traction during the 2wd buggy race pulled off after two laps! ST class was as bad, so was the SC class.
Then a rain came, after the 2nd round of qual's the rains came again!!! Went home at 6:30pm with only half the racing done, there was about 60 entries!!!
Thinking about going back to fishing!!!!!
SS Hobbies and Raceway (Tampa, FL)
9am and the track was was perfect!
Announced that they are waiting for some racers from the Force Series so start time will be 1pm.
They had posted that there will be 3 qual's to give time for these racers to have time to get to SS. Start time was posted as 12 noon. Not a problem making needed adjustments, this wasn't one of them.
Sprayed the track with sugar water GOOD thing, then HOSED the track and sugared it, NO traction during the 2wd buggy race pulled off after two laps! ST class was as bad, so was the SC class.
Then a rain came, after the 2nd round of qual's the rains came again!!! Went home at 6:30pm with only half the racing done, there was about 60 entries!!!
Thinking about going back to fishing!!!!!
Sunday, May 18, 2014
SS Hobby and Raceway (Tampa, FL)
Race 7 of 10
B4.1 +8
Qual'd in 2nd, finished in 2nd, now just two points behind 2nd in the series!!! :-)
TQ'd and finished 1st, now have a 7 point lead over 2nd.
NEW truck!!! Converted my old RC10GT from nitro to electric. Drove will enough during practice to try a qual. Rear link pulled out of the ball cup going over the table top in the lead!! Put new ball cups on all the rear links, let's try this again the the 2nd qual. Link pulled out of the new ball cup. Seems there was a miss threading of the link, didn't thread deep enough!! ALL new links on for the main. When the links were working was able to easily out run the other racers.
Started 3rd was 2nd by turn two, was within ten foot of 1st, then touched a pipe and was a 1/4 lap back. Two laps later was about 15 foot behind 1st and touched a pipe again! Another two laps as I was trying to pass on the inside of a turn the ESC thermaled!!!!! I was done with a 4th place finish.
Leo was behind me by a point at the start of the day now I'm 6 points behind him!!!
SS Hobby and Raceway (Tampa, FL)
Race 7 of 10
B4.1 +8
Qual'd in 2nd, finished in 2nd, now just two points behind 2nd in the series!!! :-)
TQ'd and finished 1st, now have a 7 point lead over 2nd.
NEW truck!!! Converted my old RC10GT from nitro to electric. Drove will enough during practice to try a qual. Rear link pulled out of the ball cup going over the table top in the lead!! Put new ball cups on all the rear links, let's try this again the the 2nd qual. Link pulled out of the new ball cup. Seems there was a miss threading of the link, didn't thread deep enough!! ALL new links on for the main. When the links were working was able to easily out run the other racers.
Started 3rd was 2nd by turn two, was within ten foot of 1st, then touched a pipe and was a 1/4 lap back. Two laps later was about 15 foot behind 1st and touched a pipe again! Another two laps as I was trying to pass on the inside of a turn the ESC thermaled!!!!! I was done with a 4th place finish.
Leo was behind me by a point at the start of the day now I'm 6 points behind him!!!
Thursday, May 15, 2014
SS Raceway and Hobbies (Tampa, FL)
Race 6 of 10!
Qualed in fourth HOPED to at least finish this good. Not to happen, lap two landed wrong and broke the front shock tower. Was able to race back to 6th out of 10!
Only 4 points behind 2nd in the standings.
TQ'd and was looking for a win. Didn't happen 2nd and 3rd jumped me in turn two, was able to get by 2nd four laps later, never got even a half lap close to first!
Still with the 2nd, it's first in the standings by 4 points!
TQ'd and by turn three had a 20 foot lead, turn 4 it was a 100 foot lead and by the end of the first lap was just rolling the jumps and lapped 2nd at the 6 minute mark of the 8 minute main.
In first in the standings by one point!
SS Raceway and Hobbies (Tampa, FL)
Race 6 of 10!
Qualed in fourth HOPED to at least finish this good. Not to happen, lap two landed wrong and broke the front shock tower. Was able to race back to 6th out of 10!
Only 4 points behind 2nd in the standings.
TQ'd and was looking for a win. Didn't happen 2nd and 3rd jumped me in turn two, was able to get by 2nd four laps later, never got even a half lap close to first!
Still with the 2nd, it's first in the standings by 4 points!
TQ'd and by turn three had a 20 foot lead, turn 4 it was a 100 foot lead and by the end of the first lap was just rolling the jumps and lapped 2nd at the 6 minute mark of the 8 minute main.
In first in the standings by one point!
Saturday, May 3, 2014
301 Hobby and Raceway (Wildwood, FL)
Received a alm steering linkage from Integy last week. Seems an alm steering linkage messes with an AMB transponder!! Missed four laps at 301 today, race director noticed it was doing this again in the 2nd qual also. Moved it about a 1/2 inch forward and it was counting correctly in the 6 minute main.
Lined up in the TQ position and was away at the tone. Mike got close about two minutes in, close enough to NASCAR me in the turn just before the timing loop!!!! Decided that Mike wanted 1st place and he isn't going to get it!!!! Drove deeper into the turns for two laps, putting about 30 foot between us. By the 5 minute mark Mike was 3/4 of a lap behind me.
301 is THE best track that I have ever raced on! Hard packed clay with NO treatment other than RC tires. Even with a very little dusting the traction was 100%
301 Hobby and Raceway (Wildwood, FL)
Received a alm steering linkage from Integy last week. Seems an alm steering linkage messes with an AMB transponder!! Missed four laps at 301 today, race director noticed it was doing this again in the 2nd qual also. Moved it about a 1/2 inch forward and it was counting correctly in the 6 minute main.
Lined up in the TQ position and was away at the tone. Mike got close about two minutes in, close enough to NASCAR me in the turn just before the timing loop!!!! Decided that Mike wanted 1st place and he isn't going to get it!!!! Drove deeper into the turns for two laps, putting about 30 foot between us. By the 5 minute mark Mike was 3/4 of a lap behind me.
301 is THE best track that I have ever raced on! Hard packed clay with NO treatment other than RC tires. Even with a very little dusting the traction was 100%
Thursday, May 1, 2014
SS Hobbies and Raceway (Tampa, FL)
Race 4 of 10 Series
Track opens at 10:00am NOT!!! Track prep started at 10 finished around 11:15!
Racing started around 12:30.
With the above I should have known that today was NOT going to be nice!!!!
First qual was a bit rough with all the NOVICES in the class, 2nd was better.
The MAIN SUCKED!!!!!!!! Lap two, turn five nosed into the pipe and as the marshals fingers was just inches from assisting me another buggy got into the pipe. The marshal STOPPED assisting me, got the other buggy going then finished with me! Now I'm down 4 more places!!!!!!
1st passed me about a lap later. Lap 6 found out I was 7th of 9. Stepped on the gas, worked up to 5th at the finish.
Every qual and the main, it was run into what ever moved near you by other racers. was hit three times in one lap by three diff racers during the main!!!!! Four turns from the finish a racer that I had passed three times choose to jump over the tabletop at full power in to my side on purposes (seems to me) rolls me on to my top and drove away!!! Finished 4th just like I qual'd.
ALL the racers in this class drove like they know what they are doing, the marshals not so much!!!!! During the 2nd qual, I was on my 3rd pipe hit in seven laps in the same place!!!!! Yes, I know my bad. BUT the marshal, this time, ran cross the track to marshal his buddy leaving me againest the pipe another marshal had to leave his spot to assist me. I parked the GT2-E with a minute left in the qual!!!
The main CLEAN racn' for 7 minutes!!! SWEEEEET 2nd place finish.
IF it had been a club weekend of racing all the above would have been a lesser deal BUT it was a POINTS series race and all the BAD marshals AND bad racers came out to play!!!!!!!!!!
Don't know yet how many points I lost to these jerks!!!!
SS Hobbies and Raceway (Tampa, FL)
Race 4 of 10 Series
Track opens at 10:00am NOT!!! Track prep started at 10 finished around 11:15!
Racing started around 12:30.
With the above I should have known that today was NOT going to be nice!!!!
First qual was a bit rough with all the NOVICES in the class, 2nd was better.
The MAIN SUCKED!!!!!!!! Lap two, turn five nosed into the pipe and as the marshals fingers was just inches from assisting me another buggy got into the pipe. The marshal STOPPED assisting me, got the other buggy going then finished with me! Now I'm down 4 more places!!!!!!
1st passed me about a lap later. Lap 6 found out I was 7th of 9. Stepped on the gas, worked up to 5th at the finish.
Every qual and the main, it was run into what ever moved near you by other racers. was hit three times in one lap by three diff racers during the main!!!!! Four turns from the finish a racer that I had passed three times choose to jump over the tabletop at full power in to my side on purposes (seems to me) rolls me on to my top and drove away!!! Finished 4th just like I qual'd.
ALL the racers in this class drove like they know what they are doing, the marshals not so much!!!!! During the 2nd qual, I was on my 3rd pipe hit in seven laps in the same place!!!!! Yes, I know my bad. BUT the marshal, this time, ran cross the track to marshal his buddy leaving me againest the pipe another marshal had to leave his spot to assist me. I parked the GT2-E with a minute left in the qual!!!
The main CLEAN racn' for 7 minutes!!! SWEEEEET 2nd place finish.
IF it had been a club weekend of racing all the above would have been a lesser deal BUT it was a POINTS series race and all the BAD marshals AND bad racers came out to play!!!!!!!!!!
Don't know yet how many points I lost to these jerks!!!!
Sunday, April 20, 2014
SS Hobbies and Raceway (Tampa, FL)
SS got about 6 inches of rain Friday, BUT Ronnie has the drainage dialed in!!! Track had a layer of sand like clay on it, traction was poor!
Had the same AKA tires on the rear that was on last Sunday. Changed to JC Double Dee's and from the TQ position lead the main to the finish for the win!!!!
Tires, TIRES, TIRES not one of what I had worked!!!! No rear traction!!!!!! Did qual 4th :-)
Changed to PC Double Dee's in Gold on the rear (these are the FRONT tires that I use for groove tracks), these were the best so far, but still bad. Finished where I started 4th!
Mid Motor RC's are, they say, are for HIGH traction tracks only. And SS was a bit below medium traction on this race day. Started from TQ and finished 2nd to a Losi 22TM.
So the two MM finished in front of ALL the Rear Motor's on a track that favors the RM RC's!!!!!
SS Hobbies and Raceway (Tampa, FL)
SS got about 6 inches of rain Friday, BUT Ronnie has the drainage dialed in!!! Track had a layer of sand like clay on it, traction was poor!
Had the same AKA tires on the rear that was on last Sunday. Changed to JC Double Dee's and from the TQ position lead the main to the finish for the win!!!!
Tires, TIRES, TIRES not one of what I had worked!!!! No rear traction!!!!!! Did qual 4th :-)
Changed to PC Double Dee's in Gold on the rear (these are the FRONT tires that I use for groove tracks), these were the best so far, but still bad. Finished where I started 4th!
Mid Motor RC's are, they say, are for HIGH traction tracks only. And SS was a bit below medium traction on this race day. Started from TQ and finished 2nd to a Losi 22TM.
So the two MM finished in front of ALL the Rear Motor's on a track that favors the RM RC's!!!!!
Monday, April 14, 2014
SS Hobbies and Raceway (Tampa, FL)
Wanted to race at least one qual with this nitro FUN sc!!! Would not start!!!! :-(
Didn't like the way the B4.1 powered out of a corner and didn't have much top end, thought it could be the battery. Raced it last week at FZ and didn't charge it. Fresh battery and NOT much diff!!! Thought about a gearing change BUT wasn't sure about motor temps!!! Did about ten laps, temp was 112 degrees, out came the GEARS!!!!!!!!
Changed from 81/21 to 78/21, not much of a change just wanted to go one step at a time. Put the motor right in the middle of it's power. TQ the class, traction rolled* the first turn on the main and played catch-up from that point for a 5th.
*sugared the track before the start of the days racing, watered before each round of qual's then treated the track with cola for the mains. Cola makes for a completely diff traction than sugar!!! Was pulling wheelies on the straights!!
Liked the way JC Double Dee's (Gold) on the front worked at FZ, thought I would try them at SS. To much steering until a set of JC Double Dee's (Blue) went on the rear. TQ'd that class also, had a bit of a tussle with the racer who finished 3rd for a lap and a half until he flipped over on a jump. And I was gone looking for Matt in 1st, never got even close to him!!!!!
3-pete or triple, what ever it's called TQ'd this class also!!! :-)
Had a little tussle with Leo for two turns and he touched a pipe just enough for me to get a 30 foot lead on the first lap. He stayed a straight away behind me for almost half the race waiting for me to screw up. Then the pipes started to get in Leo's way!!! :-(
SS started a 10 race 2 drop series, a race ago, so I'm waiting for a standing list to be posted to see how much I will need to push in each class to finish in the top three.
SS Hobbies and Raceway (Tampa, FL)
Wanted to race at least one qual with this nitro FUN sc!!! Would not start!!!! :-(
Didn't like the way the B4.1 powered out of a corner and didn't have much top end, thought it could be the battery. Raced it last week at FZ and didn't charge it. Fresh battery and NOT much diff!!! Thought about a gearing change BUT wasn't sure about motor temps!!! Did about ten laps, temp was 112 degrees, out came the GEARS!!!!!!!!
Changed from 81/21 to 78/21, not much of a change just wanted to go one step at a time. Put the motor right in the middle of it's power. TQ the class, traction rolled* the first turn on the main and played catch-up from that point for a 5th.
*sugared the track before the start of the days racing, watered before each round of qual's then treated the track with cola for the mains. Cola makes for a completely diff traction than sugar!!! Was pulling wheelies on the straights!!
Liked the way JC Double Dee's (Gold) on the front worked at FZ, thought I would try them at SS. To much steering until a set of JC Double Dee's (Blue) went on the rear. TQ'd that class also, had a bit of a tussle with the racer who finished 3rd for a lap and a half until he flipped over on a jump. And I was gone looking for Matt in 1st, never got even close to him!!!!!
3-pete or triple, what ever it's called TQ'd this class also!!! :-)
Had a little tussle with Leo for two turns and he touched a pipe just enough for me to get a 30 foot lead on the first lap. He stayed a straight away behind me for almost half the race waiting for me to screw up. Then the pipes started to get in Leo's way!!! :-(
SS started a 10 race 2 drop series, a race ago, so I'm waiting for a standing list to be posted to see how much I will need to push in each class to finish in the top three.
Saturday, April 5, 2014
FZRC (Sarasota, FL)
Planed to race Mod SC with the SC10 BUT had some time to put the B4.1, GT2-E and the SC10 on the track for some practice. AND I'm glad the time was there for this.
There were just two signed up for novice class and I said kinda kidding to Marty "guess I should have signed up for novice class and drive my b4". Marty said get it on the track, we need a 3rd car to make a class.
1st qual raced the B4.1 to a TQ, 2nd qual raced the T4 to a 2nd place and raced the GT2-E in the main for the win!!!!!!!!! Had a BP $10 gift card in my wallet, RCWish gave this to 2nd as an award for finishing so well for his FIRST RACE!!!!
Mod SC
SC10 was running in the TQ position until the last lap and Nick got by me!!!
Burnt the rear tires off the SC10 by the 5 minute mark of the 8 minute main, was able to hold on the 3rd through!!!!!
FZRC (Sarasota, FL)
Planed to race Mod SC with the SC10 BUT had some time to put the B4.1, GT2-E and the SC10 on the track for some practice. AND I'm glad the time was there for this.
There were just two signed up for novice class and I said kinda kidding to Marty "guess I should have signed up for novice class and drive my b4". Marty said get it on the track, we need a 3rd car to make a class.
1st qual raced the B4.1 to a TQ, 2nd qual raced the T4 to a 2nd place and raced the GT2-E in the main for the win!!!!!!!!! Had a BP $10 gift card in my wallet, RCWish gave this to 2nd as an award for finishing so well for his FIRST RACE!!!!
Mod SC
SC10 was running in the TQ position until the last lap and Nick got by me!!!
Burnt the rear tires off the SC10 by the 5 minute mark of the 8 minute main, was able to hold on the 3rd through!!!!!
Monday, March 31, 2014
Ellenton, Fl (HOME)
RAINED!!!!!! Most of Saturday, so it was a MX Saturday and NASCAR / F1 Sunday!!!!!
Saturday night James Stewart won his 50th MX race (St Louis, MO) making him the 2nd winning-est MX racer ever!!! :-)
Hamilton won F1 Malaysian Grand Prix. SWEEEEET!!!
Jeff Gordon didn't win at Martinsville!! :-(
Ellenton, Fl (HOME)
RAINED!!!!!! Most of Saturday, so it was a MX Saturday and NASCAR / F1 Sunday!!!!!
Saturday night James Stewart won his 50th MX race (St Louis, MO) making him the 2nd winning-est MX racer ever!!! :-)
Hamilton won F1 Malaysian Grand Prix. SWEEEEET!!!
Jeff Gordon didn't win at Martinsville!! :-(
Monday, March 24, 2014
Yuper RC (Lakeland, FL)
Did NOT have the tires to fit the track but a 4th still isn't bad!!!! :-)
Have a MRT transponder in the SC10, Yupers timing system listed me as someone else during first qual. Worked well during the next two qual's.
Lined up 6th of 6 for the 10 minute main, by turn 4 was in 2nd, just a few minutes later 1st broke and I drove away for the win, lapping the whole field, SO I THOUGHT!!!
Timing system choose to NOT count 3 of my laps, finished 3rd. Pointed out the timing error to the race director, was basically told it was my problem cause I have a MRT transponder!!!!!!!
They are on my "No Race" list now!!!!!
Yuper RC (Lakeland, FL)
Did NOT have the tires to fit the track but a 4th still isn't bad!!!! :-)
Have a MRT transponder in the SC10, Yupers timing system listed me as someone else during first qual. Worked well during the next two qual's.
Lined up 6th of 6 for the 10 minute main, by turn 4 was in 2nd, just a few minutes later 1st broke and I drove away for the win, lapping the whole field, SO I THOUGHT!!!
Timing system choose to NOT count 3 of my laps, finished 3rd. Pointed out the timing error to the race director, was basically told it was my problem cause I have a MRT transponder!!!!!!!
They are on my "No Race" list now!!!!!
FZRC (Sarasota, FL)
Red Dot tire sauce before every qual and main = 3rd place. :-)
Had a tire problem and finished 6th! One was bald and one had most of it's tread at the end of the main!!!!
For some reason the rim was rubbing on the rear hub!
Thinking about racn' at Yupers in Lakeland next week.
FZRC (Sarasota, FL)
Red Dot tire sauce before every qual and main = 3rd place. :-)
Had a tire problem and finished 6th! One was bald and one had most of it's tread at the end of the main!!!!
For some reason the rim was rubbing on the rear hub!
Thinking about racn' at Yupers in Lakeland next week.
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
SS Hobbies and Raceway (Tampa, FL)
Race four of the FZ-SS series.
Signup starts at 8am racing at 10am on R/C Tech, actual after 9am racing after 1pm!!!
TQ'd the first qual and felt GOOD until the end of the 2nd qual. Justin out TQ'd me by 10.1 sec!!!
Da' Main! Go at the tone, by turn two was in the lead and never looked back. Felt good about my placement until Mike missed a jump and Justin got by, with that finish I kissed my 1st over all in the series goodby!!!!
Qual'd in 2nd, finished in 3rd. Was faster than 1st and 2nd just crashed to often!!!
Was in 6th in the standing before race 4, finished in 4th in the standing!!!
Took 3 hours to spray the track with sugar water!!!!!
SS Hobbies and Raceway (Tampa, FL)
Race four of the FZ-SS series.
Signup starts at 8am racing at 10am on R/C Tech, actual after 9am racing after 1pm!!!
TQ'd the first qual and felt GOOD until the end of the 2nd qual. Justin out TQ'd me by 10.1 sec!!!
Da' Main! Go at the tone, by turn two was in the lead and never looked back. Felt good about my placement until Mike missed a jump and Justin got by, with that finish I kissed my 1st over all in the series goodby!!!!
Qual'd in 2nd, finished in 3rd. Was faster than 1st and 2nd just crashed to often!!!
Was in 6th in the standing before race 4, finished in 4th in the standing!!!
Took 3 hours to spray the track with sugar water!!!!!
Sunday, March 2, 2014
FZRC (Sarasota, FL)
Changed the motor gear to a 32 from a 30 for the race last week at SS. NOT a good thing for FZ! New motor over heated during the first qual, about 8 laps in.
Changed to the Reedy 3300 motor and ESC for the rest of the races. Set the gearing to AE manual spec's 21/81. B4.1 ran faultless for a 2nd behind a B5.
Only change from SS was the top front shock placement, in to hole "0". Some Red Dot on the tires and I'm ready to race! Matt and I got into a rub and bump to the point 1st and 2nd ran away from us!!! Matt hit a pipe and I was GONE!!!!!! For a 3rd.
FZRC (Sarasota, FL)
Changed the motor gear to a 32 from a 30 for the race last week at SS. NOT a good thing for FZ! New motor over heated during the first qual, about 8 laps in.
Changed to the Reedy 3300 motor and ESC for the rest of the races. Set the gearing to AE manual spec's 21/81. B4.1 ran faultless for a 2nd behind a B5.
Only change from SS was the top front shock placement, in to hole "0". Some Red Dot on the tires and I'm ready to race! Matt and I got into a rub and bump to the point 1st and 2nd ran away from us!!! Matt hit a pipe and I was GONE!!!!!! For a 3rd.
Monday, February 24, 2014
SS Hobbies and Raceway (Tampa,FL)
Neighbor problems!! They don't like the clay dust on their used cars (they own a used car lot). SS has to keep the dust down, so they watered, and watered AND WATERED to keep the peace! My RC's haven't been this dirty in a LONNNNNNG time, NOT happy!!!!!
JC Bar Codes (Blue) on the front and VP Pro Turbo Trax (Super Soft) on the rear, ready to go!!
Started 3rd, finished 3rd.
Finished 2nd, see picture!!!!!
VP Pro Turbo Trax (Extra Super Soft) on the rear, Thesse are just SWEEEEEEET!!! Even in the MUD!!!!!
Finished 2nd.
SS Hobbies and Raceway (Tampa,FL)
Neighbor problems!! They don't like the clay dust on their used cars (they own a used car lot). SS has to keep the dust down, so they watered, and watered AND WATERED to keep the peace! My RC's haven't been this dirty in a LONNNNNNG time, NOT happy!!!!!
JC Bar Codes (Blue) on the front and VP Pro Turbo Trax (Super Soft) on the rear, ready to go!!
Started 3rd, finished 3rd.
Finished 2nd, see picture!!!!!
VP Pro Turbo Trax (Extra Super Soft) on the rear, Thesse are just SWEEEEEEET!!! Even in the MUD!!!!!
Finished 2nd.
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
FZRC (Sarasota, FL)
Race #3 of the FZ-SS Series.
Shortly after getting to FZ, a RC needs was brought to our attention (RCWish.com) that a father and son was in need of a rear a-arm for the sons SC10 so he could race. I had upgraded the front of my T4/SC10 to the .2 parts, had these and a set of rear a-arms in a bag with me.
Showed them how to set the front and rear for ride height, caster settings and battery placements, they were very happy with how their SC10's drove now.
Changed to 12mm shock springs front and rear, moved the rear top shock in one mount hole, Red Dot tire sauce and I'm ready for the main. Started from the TQ position, held first for two laps, touched a pipe Mike got by and it was ON!!! We traded position every other lap until Mike nosed into a pipe and I was gone!!!!!
Was watching a NASCAR race the day before and they where talking about how some of GREAT NASCAR drivers on there 400 race, won that race. NOT saying I'm a GREAT driver, just that I TQ and won my 400th RC race!!!!!
FZRC (Sarasota, FL)
Race #3 of the FZ-SS Series.
Shortly after getting to FZ, a RC needs was brought to our attention (RCWish.com) that a father and son was in need of a rear a-arm for the sons SC10 so he could race. I had upgraded the front of my T4/SC10 to the .2 parts, had these and a set of rear a-arms in a bag with me.
Showed them how to set the front and rear for ride height, caster settings and battery placements, they were very happy with how their SC10's drove now.
Changed to 12mm shock springs front and rear, moved the rear top shock in one mount hole, Red Dot tire sauce and I'm ready for the main. Started from the TQ position, held first for two laps, touched a pipe Mike got by and it was ON!!! We traded position every other lap until Mike nosed into a pipe and I was gone!!!!!
Was watching a NASCAR race the day before and they where talking about how some of GREAT NASCAR drivers on there 400 race, won that race. NOT saying I'm a GREAT driver, just that I TQ and won my 400th RC race!!!!!
them how to set the front and rear for ride height, caster settings and
battery placements, they were very happy with how their SC10's drove
them how to set the front and rear for ride height, caster settings and
battery placements, they were very happy with how their SC10's drove
them how to set the front and rear for ride height, caster settings and
battery placements, they were very happy with how their SC10's drove
them how to set the front and rear for ride height, caster settings and
battery placements, they were very happy with how their SC10's drove
Sunday, February 9, 2014
FZRC (Sarasota, FL.)
Next week is race #3 of the FZ-SS Series. FZ took last week off to do a track redesign.
Planned to race the GT2-E, as a race-tune for next week BUT I was the only ST there :-(.
After I had signed up for Mod SC, Marty asked IF I could race the B4.1 in buggy class so there would be a class. As I had broke the motor in the B4.1 during practice, I asked if I could race the GT2-E in the buggy class!!! The other racers said YES :-)!!!!!!
Qual'd 3rd finished 2nd.
Tried six diff rear tires, was never comfortable on the track. Ended up with HPI Megabites (Pink) 30% tread on the front, Proline Snipers 60% tread on the rear, Red Dot sauce front and rear, was ready for the main.
Qual'd 4th and finished 3rd.
Now to get ready for next week!!!
FZRC (Sarasota, FL.)
Next week is race #3 of the FZ-SS Series. FZ took last week off to do a track redesign.
Planned to race the GT2-E, as a race-tune for next week BUT I was the only ST there :-(.
After I had signed up for Mod SC, Marty asked IF I could race the B4.1 in buggy class so there would be a class. As I had broke the motor in the B4.1 during practice, I asked if I could race the GT2-E in the buggy class!!! The other racers said YES :-)!!!!!!
Qual'd 3rd finished 2nd.
Tried six diff rear tires, was never comfortable on the track. Ended up with HPI Megabites (Pink) 30% tread on the front, Proline Snipers 60% tread on the rear, Red Dot sauce front and rear, was ready for the main.
Qual'd 4th and finished 3rd.
Now to get ready for next week!!!
SS Hobbies and Raceway (Tampa, FL)
3 classes for $20 <<< SWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET!!!
Track had a layer of clay dust that I normally do not race on, was able to qual 6th for the main. Was 3rd into turn one, by the timing line was in 5th. as we jumped the double (see the double in the pic above) 6th landed on top of me and that turn the power off in the buggy, was 3 laps down!!! Was able to work back up to 8th by the end!!!
Qual'd 6th was pushing 3rd but could not get around him for 3rd!!!!!!
Between the qual's and the main, remembered putting on T4 rear arms. This means T4 CVD's will fit now!!!
Mid-Motor RC's are said to be for HIGH TRACTION tracks, as SS has this layer of clay dust. The GT2-E should be handy-caped!!! It wasn't!!! 1st, was about 10 foot behind 2nd at the finish.
SS Hobbies and Raceway (Tampa, FL)
3 classes for $20 <<< SWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET!!!
Track had a layer of clay dust that I normally do not race on, was able to qual 6th for the main. Was 3rd into turn one, by the timing line was in 5th. as we jumped the double (see the double in the pic above) 6th landed on top of me and that turn the power off in the buggy, was 3 laps down!!! Was able to work back up to 8th by the end!!!
Qual'd 6th was pushing 3rd but could not get around him for 3rd!!!!!!
Between the qual's and the main, remembered putting on T4 rear arms. This means T4 CVD's will fit now!!!
Mid-Motor RC's are said to be for HIGH TRACTION tracks, as SS has this layer of clay dust. The GT2-E should be handy-caped!!! It wasn't!!! 1st, was about 10 foot behind 2nd at the finish.
Sunday, January 26, 2014
FZRC (Sarasota, FL.)
Was at FZ in Sarasota, FL. today for a Sat race test. IF attendance is large enough FZ may changed from Sun to Sat racn'.
Hoped to get some ST racn' in BUT I was the only ST there.
Had enough time to run two bat's through before the first qual.
By lap two could tell we were back to the same problem we had last week! Jumped odd, turning erratic and wandering on the straights!!!
Going over in my head and reading setup sheets, noticed that this wasn't a RM ST, it's a MM ST!!! Well DUH!!!!!
Took what I knew and started going the other way. IF you need rear traction, with a RM, you move the motor towards the rear. With the motor in front of the rear axle how do you get traction, move the *axles backwards away from the motor??? I'm thinking. How much, normal you move by one spacer at a time (.030) . Need to know NOW if this is the way to go so did a full move to the rear.
WHAT a change, now the GT2-E was jumping flat (side to side) and level (front to back) and tracked straighter (very little wondering), but the turning was just a little better.
Link position at trans, had tried to lower the link a few weeks ago, like you would with a SC10 by shaving the mount area, by adding more spacers to the link mount before and that didn't work, removed the spacer completely (again need to know NOW if this is the way to go). At the first turn the GT2-E hooked around the pipe like my B4.1 does!
Now this ST jumps, turns and powers down a straight like it should.
As another 10-15 laps were ran, I keep waiting for the GT2-E to start jumping and turning bad, it never did!!!
Took a 10 minute break, then put about 10 laps on the track with the T4. It drove so much diff from the GT2-E that I stopped running it and went back to the GT2-E.
The setup for the loose surface at SS is way diff from the blue groove of FZ now!!! BUT maybe NOT won't know until we race at SS next week!!!!
*axles <<< a GT2 comes with 1.5 degree rear hubs, put 0 degree hubs from a B44 on the GT2-E back when the build started. The B44's are shorter front to rear than the GT2 are, so you can get an even longer wheelbase with these compared to the "normal" hubs!
After all the above :-) got in about 15 laps of practice, to see if the SC10 was ok!! Qual'd 3rd, finished 2nd.
FZRC (Sarasota, FL.)
Was at FZ in Sarasota, FL. today for a Sat race test. IF attendance is large enough FZ may changed from Sun to Sat racn'.
Hoped to get some ST racn' in BUT I was the only ST there.
Had enough time to run two bat's through before the first qual.
By lap two could tell we were back to the same problem we had last week! Jumped odd, turning erratic and wandering on the straights!!!
Going over in my head and reading setup sheets, noticed that this wasn't a RM ST, it's a MM ST!!! Well DUH!!!!!
Took what I knew and started going the other way. IF you need rear traction, with a RM, you move the motor towards the rear. With the motor in front of the rear axle how do you get traction, move the *axles backwards away from the motor??? I'm thinking. How much, normal you move by one spacer at a time (.030) . Need to know NOW if this is the way to go so did a full move to the rear.
WHAT a change, now the GT2-E was jumping flat (side to side) and level (front to back) and tracked straighter (very little wondering), but the turning was just a little better.
Link position at trans, had tried to lower the link a few weeks ago, like you would with a SC10 by shaving the mount area, by adding more spacers to the link mount before and that didn't work, removed the spacer completely (again need to know NOW if this is the way to go). At the first turn the GT2-E hooked around the pipe like my B4.1 does!
As another 10-15 laps were ran, I keep waiting for the GT2-E to start jumping and turning bad, it never did!!!
Took a 10 minute break, then put about 10 laps on the track with the T4. It drove so much diff from the GT2-E that I stopped running it and went back to the GT2-E.
The setup for the loose surface at SS is way diff from the blue groove of FZ now!!! BUT maybe NOT won't know until we race at SS next week!!!!
*axles <<< a GT2 comes with 1.5 degree rear hubs, put 0 degree hubs from a B44 on the GT2-E back when the build started. The B44's are shorter front to rear than the GT2 are, so you can get an even longer wheelbase with these compared to the "normal" hubs!
After all the above :-) got in about 15 laps of practice, to see if the SC10 was ok!! Qual'd 3rd, finished 2nd.
Sunday, January 19, 2014
SS Hobbies and Raceway (Tampa, FL.)
Raced two classes hoping that I would get a grip on the track so ST class would be good!!!
Mod SC
Tried four diff fronts and six diff rear tires, still never found the right tires!!! Started seventh and finished sixth.
3rd in first qual and disassembled the LRP X11 7.5 motor during the second qual!!!
No practice and no quals means NO LAPS!!!
Put the Double Dees on the rear from the T4 and go at the tone!!!
By the line I was in 2nd, 3 laps later was in first, 100 foot later was back in 2nd. Two laps later was in first again for another 100 foot or so, Justin past me for good. We stayed about 10 to 12 foot apart for the rest of the race.
Plan to race the GT2-E at FZ 1/19/2014 as a race test for race #3 of the FZ-SS race series at FZ.
SS Hobbies and Raceway (Tampa, FL.)
Raced two classes hoping that I would get a grip on the track so ST class would be good!!!
Mod SC
Tried four diff fronts and six diff rear tires, still never found the right tires!!! Started seventh and finished sixth.
3rd in first qual and disassembled the LRP X11 7.5 motor during the second qual!!!
No practice and no quals means NO LAPS!!!
Put the Double Dees on the rear from the T4 and go at the tone!!!
By the line I was in 2nd, 3 laps later was in first, 100 foot later was back in 2nd. Two laps later was in first again for another 100 foot or so, Justin past me for good. We stayed about 10 to 12 foot apart for the rest of the race.
Plan to race the GT2-E at FZ 1/19/2014 as a race test for race #3 of the FZ-SS race series at FZ.
Saturday, January 11, 2014
It's time to start packing for race #1 of 2014!
FZ - SS race series. Two tracks four races, one a month for fours months.
Where? Race #2 of the series is at SS Hobbies and Raceway in Tampa, FL.
Have two ST's for this race, a T4 and the GT2-E. Plan to race each for one qual and then race the better one in the main. Two completely different ST's maybe NOT the best idea, but IF the track is HIGH TRACTION the GT2-E should be the better ST.
It's time to start packing for race #1 of 2014!
FZ - SS race series. Two tracks four races, one a month for fours months.
Where? Race #2 of the series is at SS Hobbies and Raceway in Tampa, FL.
Have two ST's for this race, a T4 and the GT2-E. Plan to race each for one qual and then race the better one in the main. Two completely different ST's maybe NOT the best idea, but IF the track is HIGH TRACTION the GT2-E should be the better ST.
Friday, January 3, 2014
FZRC (Sarasota, FL)
New Years Eve NITRO race!!!!!!
Planned to race the SC10GT.
Had one of the most FUN NITRO racn' in some time!!! Qual in 3rd for the main and finished 3rd after 8 minutes of FUN main racn'!!!!! 1st and 2nd were electric powered!!
Max, the son of the owner of FZRC girlfriend and I were talking as he worked on his Losi 22, he wasn't happy with how it was running. As we talked he found the motor wasn't well!! He put another motor in just before his qual. The buggy didn't run well at all! Just before the 2nd qual, I asked if he got the buggy fix, he said no. I offered the B4.1. He finished the 2nd qual well enough for 2nd start position for the main.
By the end of lap one he was in the lead, kept the lead to the point he was just 10 to 12 feet from lapping 2nd at the end of the race. Not bad for a LOANER RC!!!!
FZRC (Sarasota, FL)
New Years Eve NITRO race!!!!!!
Planned to race the SC10GT.
Had one of the most FUN NITRO racn' in some time!!! Qual in 3rd for the main and finished 3rd after 8 minutes of FUN main racn'!!!!! 1st and 2nd were electric powered!!
Max, the son of the owner of FZRC girlfriend and I were talking as he worked on his Losi 22, he wasn't happy with how it was running. As we talked he found the motor wasn't well!! He put another motor in just before his qual. The buggy didn't run well at all! Just before the 2nd qual, I asked if he got the buggy fix, he said no. I offered the B4.1. He finished the 2nd qual well enough for 2nd start position for the main.
By the end of lap one he was in the lead, kept the lead to the point he was just 10 to 12 feet from lapping 2nd at the end of the race. Not bad for a LOANER RC!!!!
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