Sunday, May 12, 2013


NO racn' this weekend it's Mothers Day weekend!!

Love you Gena!!!!! :-)


Read a posting on R/C Tech forum about doing a Electric conversion to a Losi XXXNT. This got my mind working! :-)

After about an hour of checking parts and placement, came up with a plan >> RC10GT2-E.

Need these

Motor mount >> bit from work
Motor >> Castle 4600
ESC >> Speed Passion Cirtix Inspir 2.0 90 amp
Batteries >> Turnigy 5.1 65-130c X 2

Thread about the build is here



FZRC (Sarasota, FL)

Did some testing of the GT2-E, one battery worth. Started with worn PL edges front and worn PL Step Pin rear. Was surprised on how well these hooked up! Truck has good speed and turns way better than the T4 that I have been racing!! Jumps just flat, I mean FLAT!!! Motor temps after 7 hard laps 130, may gear it up!!!

Just as I was going to ask another racer to operate my camera I hit a pipe, this caused the rear battery mount bolt to pull through it's mount! :-( Maybe I can get someone to do some filming 5/19/2013 during a qual or the main for me.
