HMIRCR (Sarasota, FL)
First race on carpet with the new alm parts. New rear "O" degree hubs and rear plate, these assisted in making the SC10 jump flatter than before. Started having a notchie throttle coming out from under the bridge, hope the 508 no timing software upgrade installed for the next race will fix that, other wise the SC10 was just SWEEEEET! To bad the racer that finished in front of me was having an even SWEEEEEETer race day!!!! :-)
My sister Kathy is down from IL and has never seen a RC race so she joined me for a few short (7) hours of RC fun.
While we where there a RC buddy from the Farmers Hobby & Raceway days stopped by to race with us! Sure was GREAT to visit with Gough and revisit our past at Farmers!!!