Saturday, February 9, 2013


HMIRCR (Sarasota. FL)

Having decided to retire the Losi XXX-SCT for good, I'm left with just the SC10 or the T4 / J82!!! :-)


Choose to make the T4 truck into the J82 buggy, was thinking there would be a full class of buggies.

Had problems during the first qual had the wrong tires on, made up for that problem during the 2nd qual by beating the first qual time by two laps for Top Qualifier!! Finished in first by five laps over 2nd.


Signed up for IROC (retail class) TQ'd the first qual, had a battery connection problem in the 2nd qual, BUT the laps per time in the first qual was good enough to keep Top Qualifier for the main. Don't know how many laps I had on 2nd for sure best I could tell 5 to 8!!!!


FZRC next Sunday!!!! :-)
