FZRC (Sarasota, FL)
Double points last race of the Fall Series 2012. IF Bruce doesn't race the ST class I could be in 2nd!!!!!
Haven't changed the race setup on the T4 in 3 or 4 years!!!! Changed to Maifield's 2009 Cactus Classic setup with RS hex front axles. Seems AE has decided for us that the axle height is best set to "middle"
with the hex front axles, there isn't an option for spacers top or
bottom! So, got my calibers out and removed .030 off the top with a
Race Day:
Well!!! The Maifeild setup didn't work as well as I thought!!!!
Moved the front shock lowers back to the "I" hole from the "O" hole on the front a-arms during practice. THEN the setup worked!!!!
TQ'd both qual's and finished 1st by a lap and a half!!!
1st = 100
Attendance = 5
Multiply by 2 = 210 points
1st >> 263
2nd >> 210 <<< ME!!!!!!! :-)
3rd >> 105