Saturday, December 22, 2012
HMIRCR (Sarasota, FL)
Trying to limit how much stuff I take to the mall, so I only took the XXX-SCT to race. On my way, stopped to get the mail and the battery I ordered was there, SWEEEEEEET!!!!
Decided to try one of Caspers XXX-SCT race setups, they are enough different from Root's (that have worked for me so far) that I wasn't sure.
Qual'd in 2nd, have NEVER beat Josh!!! So, I had a look at his XXX-SCT race setup, it was JUST LIKE MINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Did noticed that he had two battery pads in front of the battery and I had one. Changed to two pads and I was ready to race.
Go at the tone! As we raced under the bridge Josh got tangled up with 3rd and 4th, which allowed me to get the lead. By the end of the 5 minute main Josh was TWO LAPS behind me in 2nd!
Sunday, December 9, 2012
FZRC (Sarasota,FL)
Marty changed FZ's next race to a week early because of a conflicting Force race at Hurricane RC.
Has been some time since FZRC raced back to back weekends AND there's been NO RAIN, so the black groove from last week was still there this week!!! :-)
Decided to race the XXX-SCT IF there wasn't a ST class. A couple months ago Brushless Hobbies donated a 120 amp ESC to "Make a RC Wish", paired this with a Novak 13.5 brushless motor for a TEST race setup.
Temped the motor and esc every few minutes. never got over 125 degrees <<< that is SWEEET gearing! Had a carpet setup on the XXX-SCT, changed the lower shock mount from the outer hole to the middle hole, removed a spacer from inside the shocks. Moved the rear shock top mounts out a hole
Qual'd in 2nd and was in 1st for most of one lap during the 6 minute main!!!! :-) Missed a turn (hit a pipe) and 1st and 2nd got past, drove the next 4 and a half minutes trying to get by 2nd. It was a race between the old and the new, I with the XXX-SCT which is the old Losi SC and 2nd with a Losi 22SC the new. The OLD racer (me) and the young (2nd place racer), we raced lap after lap after lap, I was faster on half the track (but behind him), we were equal on the other half, as I was looking to get by in a turn at the 5 minute mark I touched a pipe and poped off a steering ball cup. I raced the last minute making sure 4th didn't get by me!!!!!!
Got to refresh my friendship with R/C Tech mod Mark M. I'm a mod there also. We got about 10-15 minutes to share about how we work as mod's Mark is higher up the mod ladder, he shared some great tips!
Sunday, December 2, 2012
FZRC (Sarasota, FL)
Double points last race of the Fall Series 2012. IF Bruce doesn't race the ST class I could be in 2nd!!!!!
Haven't changed the race setup on the T4 in 3 or 4 years!!!! Changed to Maifield's 2009 Cactus Classic setup with RS hex front axles. Seems AE has decided for us that the axle height is best set to "middle" with the hex front axles, there isn't an option for spacers top or bottom! So, got my calibers out and removed .030 off the top with a x-acto.
Race Day:
Well!!! The Maifeild setup didn't work as well as I thought!!!!
Moved the front shock lowers back to the "I" hole from the "O" hole on the front a-arms during practice. THEN the setup worked!!!!
TQ'd both qual's and finished 1st by a lap and a half!!!
1st = 100
Attendance = 5
Multiply by 2 = 210 points
1st >> 263
2nd >> 210 <<< ME!!!!!!! :-)
3rd >> 105
Saturday, November 24, 2012
HMIRCR (Sarasota, FL)
Decided to race the Losi XXX-SCT, didn’t make any changes to the setup from what was used at FZRC last Sunday. Other than the rear tires, changed from Proline M3 Calibers to Duratrax C3 Posse.
Sure drove good to bad I got marshaled out of first into 4th!!!! The triples did it again landed in the pile after the triple and was marshaled last!!! NEVER got back around those racers!!!
Was talking with Jim H. before the first qual and suggested that tonight would be a good night to have a rental race. We came up with this as rules, rental cars, rental batteries, rental radios and rental tires. In other words, race a rental rc just was they are for anyone to rent. With everything being equal, this should be like a IROC race. Racer to racer even up!!!
Qual 2nd in all three qual for a start in 3rd. By the start of the third lap I was in 1st and pulling away, then the triples struck again and Jim H. got by and I never caught him.
Sunday, November 18, 2012
FZRC (Sarasota, FL)
They had just rebuilt the track, surface was just a bit soft, even after they ran a packer over the surface.
So the surface wasn't up to handling the power of the LRP 7.5 motor!!!!!
Had put a Speed Passion Inspire 2.0 esc and a Reedy 3300 motor to test race at HMIRCR. Thought perhaps that this maybe just the ticket for the track surface.
Had AKA Cityblocks on the front and Duratrax Posse on the rear,this worked for 1 and 3/4 qual's. Track was starting to groove up and the Posse wasn't up to the job. Put Proline Calibers on the rear, MUCH better.
Was looking at the XXX-SCT and remembered that I had moved the rear shock in one hole at the top mount. So, I moved the shocks in another hole, hoping to get a bit more side bite in the corners.
During the qual's the XXX-SCT had a bit of a push in the sweeper turns. Now the XXX-SCT was just off the pipes in the turns!!! That is just SWEEEEET!!!!!!!!!!!
First ONLY lapped me once!!! :-) Finished 2nd AND mostly it was a FUN day!!!
Sunday, November 11, 2012
HMIRCR (Sarasota, FL)
NOT enough racers showed up for a race, so Mike (Make a RC Wish) and I did a LOT of test n tune.
Speed Passion Cirtix Inspire 2.0 esc and a Reedy 3300 motor are a very powerful setup! Had NO problems any where on the track!
Started with 18/84 gearing and after three laps changed to 21/84 WAY better may change to 21/81 for FZRC next week.
The Losi always had a rear wobble under power with a 10.5 or faster motor. The Reedy 3300 is like a 9 turn motor. Moved the shock top mount in one hole and added two spacers to the inside of the rear shocks. NO more wobble!
Mike (MRCW) was having a bit of a problem keeping the motor tight, had already killed a spur before I got there. Had a Traxxas Slash with me, put a battery in it and let Mike drive it for a few laps.
Asked Mike IF he was ready for a upgrade? He said yes so we changed the radio and receiver from the Traxxas Rustler on to the Slash and after a battery, I asked IF he was ready for another upgrade.
Took the Novak esc and Triniy 27 turn motor out and installed a Leopard 60 amp esc and Leopard 9 turn brushless motor in! NOW he has power and a SC truck that is race ready!!!!
Saturday, November 3, 2012
B&B (Hudson,FL)
Drove to Mike's house, transferred the SC10, GT2SC, two trunks, table, chair and one tool box into the back of his truck. THEN loaded his stuff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)
Planed to race the GT2SC and the SC10. B&B didn't have a class for the GT2SC, so they put me in OpenSC which is the same class that I had planed to race the SC10!!!!!
Did most of my track time with the GT2SC, I knew how the SC10 would race.
Moved the rear shocks in one hole on the a-arms, had noticed the the front bounce a bit, didn't want to change the front shocks so I just un-screwed the front shock lower mount eyes out 1 and a half turns. MUCH better, made note to self to remove one .030 spacer before I race the GT2SC again.
A racer stated "someone racing a nitro in ele SC class", I answered YES Me!!!
Go at the tone! Started last as I didn't know how the GT2SC would race. By lap three the GT2SC was in first AND was pulling away!!!! Then about four laps from the end of the qual, the sound of the grinding the teeth off the gears in the trans!!! Was able to finish the qual, for a 2nd in that qual and a 3rd over all for the a-main.
Inspected the trans, it was finished for the day! :-(
Race the SC10 in the 2nd qual, it seemed that the SC10 was faster than the GT2SC from the drivers stand. NEVER TRUST your feeling about your lap times check the results sheet. The GT2SC was 1 to 2 seconds faster a lap then the SC10!
Qual'd 4th, was in 4th as I came out of turn one, as I finished coming out of turn one I was 7th!!!!
By lap 4 I was behind 3rd by 4 feet and was closing fast. Then, the sound of the spur gear getting it's teeth ground off, finished one more lap before all the teeth were gone. Still had enough of a lead on the pack that I finished 6th of the 9 racers in the a-main.
Sunday, October 28, 2012
HMIRCR (Sarasota)
Seems I missed posting a race(s) at HMIRCR!!!!!
HMIRCR (Sarasota)
GREAT racn' finished 2nd, pushed 1st for the first 20 feet then he was GONE!!!!!!!!
Put the J Concepts J82 buggy body and wing on the T4 so I could at least look like a BUGGY in buggy class.
Did well in the qual's started 2nd.
At the tone in the main things were just ODD Josh didn't get a large lead on the rest of us and I didn't have that much of a lead on Logan. Then at lap 17 Josh, Logan and I had problem at different parts of the track which put us some where around 10 foot from each other!!!
I thought Logan had me for two laps then!!! Logan >> Crash at the triple!
Josh out jumped both of us and pulled away from me, while I left Logan waiting for a marshal.
HMIRCR (Sarasota)
Wanted to test and maybe race the J82 with a Speed Passion ESC and Reedy 3300 motorl, had enough power to fit the track.
Choose to race only the SC10. Drove, handled, jumped just GREAT. Qual'd 2nd in every qual and the main. This was one of the most FUN night of racn' in a long time!!!!!
A young man was watching us practice, asked if he had ever drove a RC before. He said he had rented one from HM before. As I was talking with him and his dad, I found out he was saving his penny's to get a RC.
Mike is "Make a RC Wish" #21. He now owns a Traxxas Rustler COMPLETE ready to race.
Hobby Marketplace's track is a "Make a RC Wish" track!!!
Monday, October 22, 2012
eHZ (Winter Heaven, FL)
I have been trying to get to eHZ since Farmers closed >> July 2008!!!!!!!!
eHZ is a odd track! It's one of the few that run clock-wise!!!
No ST's showed up so I put the T4 back in the car. :-(
Track looked to be about 300 foot run line with medium traction. The setup that I used at ROCCK in Knoxville worked well enough to leave it alone. Did the adjustments on the Spek DX3R radio instead. Needed to tone everything down a bit, so SMOOTH was the plan!!!!
Steering down to 95% from 100%.
Throttle down to 90% from 100%
Brakes down to 65% from 80%
Three qual's, was 4th in all of them!!!! BUT with MORE laps in less time the more qual's I'm in!! :-)
Da' Main
Started 4th, was in 3rd coming out of the first turn, pushing 2nd into the second turn. Then the pack joined us in the middle of turn two, came out 8th!!!!!!!!
By lap three, was in 4th and just 20 foot behind third and stayed that way to the end!
Monday, October 15, 2012
ROCCK (Knoxville)
So many people came up to me and asked if I was from FL and did I come up just to race at ROCCK. I sure felt at home!! Didn't have a table, a racer lent me his and told me to hook into his power tap with my extention cord.
Sure was GREAT to have this truck on a track after almost two years. Picco motor was just SWEET. As I was trying to make the BIG jump landed belly centered that the top of the jump and took the idler out in the trans! :-)
This is the first LARGE non-red clay clay track in three years! Just trying to remember how to setup a RC for this kind of clay hurt my brain!!! Didn't have any setup sheets from other track either!!!!! :-(
Changed from Proline Calibers 2.0 M3 to AKA Cityblock Soft on the rear for the first qual.
1st Qual
SC10 would slide out in the rear of some turns and slide out in the front on others. This wasn't a push, thr front would slide out then jump back in!!!!!
Qual 5th :-(
2nd Qual
Changed back to Proline Calibers 2.0 M3 on the back. This was better BUT I still could NOT power around the big turns. On the long striaght the back end of the SC was twichy, Was faster every where but when being marshaled so I was two second slower!!!
3rd Qual
Took the front and rear sway bars off, change the camber to -1.5 from -1 Now the SC is getting better, the front and rear isn't sliding in the corners. As I'm just here for one race, I'm not going to test camber/caster options with swap bars.
Qual 6th in the B-main :-(
Changed rear shock towers, to place the shock mounts at the "0" hole, ajusted the toe in a 1/4 turn in on each side.
Da' Race
Go at the tone!!!! :-)
Was in 3rd by the 2nd turn, in 2nd at that turn on lap two. Passed 1st in the air over the BIG jump on lap three and started to pull away UNTIL the BIG JUMP on lap four!!! Touched a pipe with the right front wheel as I was landing, which remove it from the SC!!!!!
Still finished 7 of 9,
The SC was just hooked up like on carpet after the two changes made after the 3 qual!!! I thought, during the first three laps of the B-main that I had a chance in looking good in the A-main. So much for thinking!!!!!!!!!
Sunday, October 7, 2012
FZRC (Sarasota)
Track reminded me of Farmers "Friday Night under the Lights" before sun set >> damp with NO traction!!!!
1st qual drove my tail off trying to find a way around the track, groove was about 10 inches wide!!! If you got out of it you went no where. Changed from M3 Proline Caliber on the rear to AKA Cityblocks for the 2nd qual. Track had dried to the point I should have stayed with the Calibers!
Da' Main
By the two minute mark I was in 4th with 3rd about 60 foot in front of me, as I came up on 5th and 6th at the 4 minute mark I could see 3rd was about 20 foot in front of me :-) Maybe I could take that postion before the end. 5th and 6th choose to NOT let me by them!!!!! After 3 laps I decided that they needed a GET OUT OF MY WAY as I seen 3rd now had a 60 foot lead on me! So I pushed on them at every turn until 6th hit a pipe!!!!Nevergot close enough to 5th after that to pipe him!
"Make a RC Wish"
EZ Customs offered to paint a body for "MRCW", we had a body for a Traxxas Rustler donated my Mike. Erik delieverd the body to us at FZRC. They did one SWEEEEEET paint job!!!
Saturday, September 15, 2012
HMIRCR (Sarasota)
Decided to take the SC10 and T4 for some AC rug racn’!!!!!!!! :-)
Started practice with AKA Cityblock on the front and rear, they were 100% BUT I felt that there should be more! So a set of Proline Calibers (M3) went on the front, NOW that is what was needed!!! So just before the first qual started a set of Calibers (M3) went on the rear, put a couple laps on and everything seemed better.
About three laps into the first qual the rear tires started acting like they were way out of balance, had to back off half way down the straight to get them to round out, qual’d second!
Second qual AKA’s replaced the Prolines on the rear, as lap two was ending I touch a wall corner HARD, right front a-arm hanging by the shock! Hope to have this fixed in time for the main.
The Main
Had some problems with the triple jump on the first two laps and first got about a half lap lead on me. Started driving one turn, one jump at a time and by the half way mark I was about 5 foot behind first. :-) Then he rolled in a turn and FLASH he was second and stayed that way to the end!
To be honest I had NOT planed to race the T4, took it to get some practice laps in as I had not raced the T4 since October 2011. Race control asked me to race the T4 on buggy class so there would be a class.
First qual, it took half of the qual to settle down, then the 9.1 sec laps started coming, but the TQ buggy already lapped me so even with those times I could NOT make the lap back.
Second qual, had a rear link come loose twice, this put me WAY down.
The Main
By lap four had got by first place for a whole 1/2 lap!!! A front link came loose and I was behind by 6 seconds for some time. Then the leader had some problems with the triple and I was on him again. It was close for all but the last minute when I missed the triple again!!! Still only finished 3-4 seconds behind first.
Remember HMIRCR is inside of a mall, there can be at times a few spectators watching the fun. This race had 30-35 people watching with OOO’s and OOHH’s as we made jumps, missed jumps, crashed and appalled at the finish!!!! That was SWEEEEEEEET!!
Sunday, September 2, 2012
FZRC (Sarasota)
First time to race on the new track design > SWEEEEEEEEEEET!!!!! <
First qual, JUNK!!!! Just got in everyone way! :-(
Second qual, tested good between quals! JUNK!!!!! :-(
Did some hand testing, rumbing two diff tires on the tracks surface, The AKA Wishbones tested the best. Put them on the SC10 for the main. They lasted about two laps, then I was in everyone's way again!!!!!
Qual'd 5th finished 6th.
Now some GOOD news! :-)
Brushless Hobbies donated a ESC to "Make a RC Wish". They have one kid, Finn, that when he has enough race(s) under his belt this ESC could be his!
Saturday, August 25, 2012
FIRCR (Plant City)
They moved the off road track to the front room. It's on top of the on road track. They put carpet sections down to protect the on road carpet with some SWEEET jumps!
Tested the Losi XXX-SCT with my main set of tires. AKA Cityblocks on the front and ProLine Calibers on the rear, WAY TO MUCH STEERING!!! Changed the fronts to ProLine Bowties and things where SWEEET!
Had changed the software in the Speed Passion GT2.0 LPF esc to V3 428Mod. Seemed OK, but didn't seem to be much of a improvement over the V3 508 no timing I had in it. As I was setting at pit, remembered that you have to reset your radio to the esc! BINGO!!! More POWER and SMOOTHER control!! Tested with my main set of tires. AKA Cityblocks on the front and ProLine Calibers on the rear, very smooth and QUICK!!!
SC10 was the SC I raced, qual'd in 2nd for the B-main, finished 4th. :-(
There was a young lady racing SC also who finished 3rd. She drove SMOOTH, never crashed <<< that means she out drove me! :-)
Sunday, August 19, 2012
HMIRCR (Sarasota)
Test, TEST and TEST!! Trying to get the XXX-SCT race ready with a Speed Passion GT1.1 and Speed Passion 10.5 Sportsman motor. NO speed and a LOT of push in the corners, changed the spur from a 87 to a 81 hoping the speed would show up. Helped but just not right yet!
Started the first qual in first, as I came to the timing loop/start line the last starter had not been call to start!!! Was I that fast?????? Slowed down to NOT cross the loop/line before him and as we crossed a lap later he had the fastest lap and I took the teeth of the idler gear in the trans!!!!
Had time to move the transponder and battery from the SC10 to the XXX-SCT to finish the first qual with 45 sec to go!!!!
2nd qual, changed the pinion gear from a 18 to a 19 MUCH better speed and less push!
The race director choose to run the track in reverse. As I came up to the wall turn I was rear ended by another racer which cause the XXX-SCT to slide side ways into the track barrier. This caused the rear axle to come in contact with the barrier and remove the left rear a-arm. The racer gave me a new a-arm.
Changed the 19 to a 20 pinion WAY better!!!! BUT >>> I finished 5th in the main, my WORSE finish at HMIRCR. :-(
Saturday, August 4, 2012
HMIRCR (Sarasota)
Took both SC's SC10 and XXX-SCT, hoped to carpat test the XXX-SCT.
Put my best 17.5 motor in the XXX-SCT with the Speed Passion GT1.1 esc. They ran 3 qual's :-) raced the XXX-SCT in the 3rd qual, would have qual'd in 5th with the results. During practice, started with 81/28 spur/pinion ended with 81/30 spur/pinion. Came off the track at 178* in the 5 minute 3rd qual.
The only change from the past two weeks of racn' was a set of AKA Cityblocks for front tires for todays racn'.
Had a pinion set screw come loose and take the teeth off the spur. :-( This put me in 7th qual place, in the first qual. 2nd qual was able to clear everyone and run to finish 1st which put me in the 2nd starting place for the main.
At the tone as we raced under the bridge 1st, 3rd and 4th tangled as I went by into first and stayed there for three laps. As I jumped over the triple, I landed in the middle of 4 other racers and 2nd got by as the marshals put us right. Spent the next 20 laps trying to get back around that racer. Was just a couple feet behind him at the finish tone, he on the good side of the line me on the bad! He got the extra lap and I was done!
The past four races have been good for me, a 3rd, 2nd, 1st and now a another 2nd. Should have put the LRP X11 7.5 motor in the SC10 a LONG time ago!!! :-)
Sunday, July 29, 2012
FZRC (Sarasota,FL)
Planned to race the Losi XXX-SCT, during practice it just wasn't running like it should. Don't know if it's the ESC or the Motor. Hope to have the Reedy Neo1 in house in time for the next race. Plan to use the Speed Passion GT1.1 esc with that motor.
Got the backup out >>>> SC10 that is setup for carpet!
During the 1st qual as I passed Bill for 1st we touched (I got to close and touched him) which put me into the wall, this broke the T-bar that holds the rear suspension together. Then during the 2nd qual I broke the right front C-hub!!! Still finished well enough to start 2nd in the main.
Was a half sec behind Bill at lap 2, as we came up to the last turn before the timing loop (TL), Bill nosed into a pipe, this let be by! Between lap 3 and lap 5 I was able to put 8 sec between us. Lapped everyone but 2nd and 3rd, was at 3rd (Mike) rear bumper 3 turns from the TL and just followed him across the finish line.
On any given day at a track, Bill, Mike and I can beat each other. We are very equal to each other. This makes for some GREAT racing!!! :-)
Jim asked me if I would like to learn to run the race program at HWIRCR. So he would be able to race the "Force Series". The main race director will be there, I will just run a race per qual and main. Last time I had a mic in my hands I was preaching!!!!
Saturday, July 21, 2012
HMIRCR (Sarasota Square Mall)
Decided that the SC10 would be the ONLY RC to race. 1st qual was a bit rough, but TQ'd by one lap. The TQ lasted to the main! :-)
2nd qual was junk left steering inner ball cup won't stay on!! Lost the whole link in the 3rd qual!!!!!!!
Had one of the lower bolts break off in the top plate. Had just enough time to do a change out before the main.
A lot of bumping, ramming, jumping on to, jumping over, jumping into spectators area and pushing other SC out of the way that where upside down, ALL by ME!!!! As I lead most of the race! As I was in the spectators area 2nd got by me and I was able to get back within 3.611 sec's at the finish!!!
Saturday, July 14, 2012
HWIRCR (Sarasota)
AC! AC! AC! AC! <<<< SWEEEEEEEEEEET!!!!!! :-)
Track was sweet, SC10 was sweet, racn' was sweet.
Put a new set of PL M3 Calibers on the rear. After 5 minutes of practice and two 5 minute qual's the M3 Hole Shots where bald!!!! Went from 3rd place in first qual and 4th in the 2nd qual on Hole Shots, to TQ in the 3rd qual!!!!
Was in 2nd when I miss jumped the triple and 3rd got around me. Finished .312 behind him, for 3rd. When your running 11.5xx per lap having a 4 sec lead over 3rd isn't much.
Sunday, July 8, 2012
Hobby Marketplace Indoor R/C Raceway
HMIRCR (Sarasota)
New track, carpet off road inside Sarasota Square Mall.
As you can imagine it's a bit small, as it's in a regular sized rental space in a mall. Small and challenging design, had a SWEEET 15 minute on track visit.
Changed the F/R wheels to Hole Shots for my visit to HMIRCR, they were HOOK UP!!!! Decided to try a 13.5 instead of the 17.5 I had in the T2. With the Speed Passion GT1.1, the T2 is one SWEEEET truck!!!
Monday, July 2, 2012
Put a few laps in just to see how the T2 worked!!! Very SWEET!!!
Traxxas Slash 4wd
Ran the Traxxas Slash 4wd that "Make a RC Wish" received a week ago. Wish the track was "Black Grooved" like it gets just before the mains!
Traxxas Slash 2wd
Ran the 2wd Traxxas Slash also. Was very surprised that a 3 and a half year old SC handled so well! Check out Finn below!
The only change from racn' at Eli was, I changed the rear tire side to side. The LRP X11 7.5 is one POWER HOUSE of a motor!!!
Qual'd 4th and finished 3rd. SWEEEEET!!!!
Sunday at FZRC in Sarasota, FL a young man (Finn) received a Traxxas Slash 2wd with bat's, charger, wheels, tools, and parts, from "Make a RC Wish". He finished 3rd in ST class, no NOVICE class for this kid!!!! FZRC gave Finn a FREE race day with them.
Friday, June 22, 2012
Eli Field (Monticello, IL}
Raced my SC10 against my brothers SC10 for two days!!! LOSER!!!!! Not me, my brother! On his home track, which is IL brown clay with low to medium traction. My SC10 was still setup for FZRC and their BLACK groove red clay.
We raced our T4's and the same result LOSER!!!! :-)
It wasn't until Rick got the T2 out that I setup to race at Eli two years ago that he had me!!!!! My T4 could NOT out run the T2.
What did the winner get (me) a T2 roller!!!!!! Already making a list of parts to order.
Saturday, June 2, 2012
Sunday, May 27, 2012
FZRC (Sarasota)
Tropical storm Beryl tried to STOP the racn' and LOST!!!!! :-)
Signed up for Mod SC, planned to race the Losi XXX-SCT with a LRP 7.5 motor!
This thing just would NOT turn like it did a couple months ago!!!
Still tried to race it, in the first qual of STOCK SHORT COURSE!!!!!!!! There wasn't enough of either (stock or mod) for a class for both so!
The 2nd qual I had the SC10 out with a Speed Passion 17.5 motor in it. Had no bottom coming out of a corner, still qual'd 4th for the a-main. Removed the SP motor and put in a Trinity 17.5 WAY BETTER. But at the 4 minute mark lost what seemed to be about 50%of the power. Still finished 4th! :-)
Checked motor temp after the race 143 degrees, which is a GREAT temp!!!!
Will have a look, tomorrow to see if I can find the problem!
Decided that I don't have to be nice, unless I'm told by the race director that a leader is coming up to pass me. 1st, 2nd and 3rd had to drive around me, Bruce had the most problem because he thought I would move over. I did NOT, took him a lap and a half to get the job done cause I touched a pipe. His fight to get around me was the talk of the track for a couple minutes as they didn't know I could drive that fast!!!!
Saturday, May 19, 2012
FZRC (Sarasota)
Mod SC class, put the "CHEAPO" Speed Passion 17.5 motor in to race test. Used the Speed Passion 323 Stock program on the Speed Passion GT2.0 lpf esc. Set this to the default "Boosted" stock. Raced fine, lead most of the first qual, motor came off at 143 degrees after 6 minutes of racing!
Changed the spur from 81 tooth to a 78 tooth for the 2nd qual, last minute of qual seemed like 1. the battery was going flat, 2. the motor was HOT or 3. the esc was HOT. Battery was OK, motor was 167 and the esc wasn't over 100!!!! Changed the total boost from 36 degrees to 26 degrees.
Power went flat two minutes into the 6 minute main!!! Still finished 4th! :-)
Will GEAR it back to the 81 spur, IF I race this motor again.
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Newred (Ocala)
Short Course King
round 4
One GREAT day of racn'!
104 entries, 17 in Stock Short Course. Knowing up front that the best of the best of FL would be there, I was looking to finish around 3rd or 4th in the b-main with a "Maybe" bump to the a-main finished 16 overall! (that's 8th in the b-main) :-)
The only change to the track (besides a track layout) from two months ago was the food court has COFFEE now!!! SWEEEET!
Loaded the Speed Passion "508" program on to the GT2.0 lpf 4 times NO "blinky", Mike loaded it two times with his laptop and NO "blinky"!!!! :-(
With NO "blinky" you can NOT pass tech inspection, IF you finish in the top 3 positions at a Short Course King event they tech EVERY race, yes that means the qual's also!!!! IF you don't pass tech, you get dis-qualified!!!!
SC10 ran GREAT! BUT so did every one else's!!!! LOL!!!!
Sunday, May 6, 2012
FZRC (Sarasota)
Track BLACK grooved by the mains!!! SWEEEEET!!!!!!!!!
Qual'd 4th in the first qual, 5th in the 2nd qual, so I started 5th in the A-main and finished in 5th.
The fun? was in the 2nd qual! It looked a lot like the novice class with SOME of racers being verbal with SOME of the marshals. John choose to stand at my left side, John and I get along, about 2 minutes in to the qual I found my self in 12th, I STARTED 4th!!! And was TRYING my best to work my way back up to 4th when John said "We ARE racing for bowling trophies" in response to what was going on on the track and drivers stand. I laughed to my self and calmed down went about doing what I needed to move back up the line. One turn, one straight, one jump at a time and finished the 2nd qual in 5th!
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Visited the care center, seen some souls that I haven't seen in 16 months!!!
Last time I was there Marco's didn't do ANY singing, well he's been singing for a few months now. Sure enjoyed singing with Marco's along with his wife (Silvia) playing the piano. Marco had a GREAT message!
After services Marco and I went over to Larry's home and visited with his family. Larry felt up to seeing us, one at a time. GREAT loving time with Larry, didn't talk about his cancer, talked about how to better service the residents in the care center!!! That is JUST LIKE Larry!
Talked with Marco about me coming back, once or twice a month. Don't know IF I'm going back.
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Received some VERY BAD news today. Larry the paster that I ministered with at a nursing home has 2-3 weeks left because of the cancer he has!
I will be at that nursing home this Sunday to assist the minister that replaced me, so I could minister at the RC tracks on Sunday!
I do not know if this will be a one Sunday thing or a every Sunday thing.
IF it's every Sunday, RC racn' will take a BIG back seat to the nursing home ministry.
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Sunday, April 15, 2012
FZRC (Sarasota)
Lot of changes this last week!!!!
1. Decided to sell the Losi XXX-SCT! Trying to race one of two SC trucks each week is taking away attention to the SC that is raced!! The Losi, every week, has a over heated motor, put the same motor/esc in the SC10 and the motor temps are just right!!!!
2. RC10T4 put the J82 buggy F/R wheels on to see how that works. Tested fine at FZ today.
3. Received a Duratrax Evader ST for "Make a RC Wish". Tested this today at FZ, worked very well motor temp was only 112. Put a 27 turn brush motor in with a Novak Explorer II esc.
4. Raced the SC10 in Mod SC with a BOOSTED Novak 13.5 motor. The track is a bit ODD as it is still "GREEN". Remember they did a redesign a month ago and they are only racing every other week so the "Groove" is still not there like it was before the redesign.
Qual'd 3rd finished 2nd! :-)
Looking at a race visit to eHz in Winter Haven 4/21/12.
Saturday, April 7, 2012
FIRCC (Plant City)
Planed to race the SC10! The only problem I had was tires, didn't have "THE" tires for the track and I'm NOT going to buy a full set for a track I don't race at more than 4 to 6 times a year. PLUS see * below. Other wise the SC10 was just SWEEEEET!!! :-)
Seen MORE ex-Farmers racers :-) We all had a GREAT >>> FUN <<< time.
Didn't make a A-main , BUT the B-main was just SWEEEEEEET!!!
Harold started in 1st, I was in 2nd, by lap 2 Harold choose to race with me NOT just drive away and do lap after lap after lap! He and 3rd bumped and I got a half lap lead that he NEVER made up!
*One of the racers told me that FIRRC was looking at doing away with the off road track :-( and put in a gun range. They plan to keep the on road track.
Friday, April 6, 2012
FORGOT to post again!!!!!!
FZRC (Sarasota)
The LARGEST turnout ever 111 entries! The Super Cup (SC) race at Hurricane RC was raced out so some of the SC racers stay around to race at FZ
Tested the XXX-SCT on the NEW track design, as I knew how it ran on the old design. By lap three had a handle on the new design.
New parts for the steering came in on Fri, rebuilt the steering and added in line hubs and axles to see how they work.
After 5 laps of practice I put the XXX-SCT away, changed rear tires on the SC10 and out to qual 1 I went! Finished 8 of 8! :-( Changed rear tires again and BINGO finished 4th in 2nd qual, that put me in 11th of 20.
5 minute B-main by turn 4 I was in 2nd and finished in that position for a bump up to the A-main! :-)
By turn 3 of the first lap of the A-main I was in 3rd by the timing line I was 4th, stayed in that position for most of the race. I thought 2nd was about to pass me so I moved over, it WAS the 5th place racer!!!! As I moved over a half lap later for 2nd, 6th got by me!!!
Still to be ONLY 2 laps down from 1st and 2nd who normally lap me 3 or 4 times means the SC10 was HOOKED UP!!!
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Saturday, March 24, 2012
FIRCC (Plant City)
Haven't been to FIRRC in some time, with FZRC doing a track redesign, so I have a open weekend. I had forgot how small and tight the track is at FIRRC, BUT that maybe in part to racing at B&B last week!! :-)
Didn't know which SC would work best so both were loaded for the trip!
Still had the Castle esc and 4600 motor in from B&B, hoped that this would be enough power!
By lap three I was having a problem making the 180 turns as I got more comfortable with the track! Then the right steering link would not stay connected. Raced the 1st qual any way, at the 3 minute mark of the 6 minute qual the link came loose. Didn't even look at how I finished that qual!!!!!
Parked the Losi!
Turned worse than the XXX-SCT BUT!!!! Was better every where else on the track. Moved the front shocks out a hole on the a-arms, BINGO turning just like I want! :-)
Looked at the results after the 2nd qual I was in 8th, which I thought would put me in the A-main. The first SEVEN made the A-main!!!!!
As we 1st, 2nd (me) and 3rd came up to turn 7 on the lap 2, I touched a pipe joint and lost the right front wheel, c-hub at the a-arm!!! Have a set of FT arms on the SC10, they are stiffer (better steering) BUT the break easier than the RTR arm.
John, a racer from the Farmers days. Had a accident some time ago with his right foot. Which I thought had healed. Showed up last night with his foot in a brace AGAIN!!! Gout this time in the foot. So, I volunteered to turn marshal for him all night.
As I was saying my goodbye's, Ron the race director said to me because I assisted John and him my next race at FIRRC is FREE!!!! Didn't do this for a free race was just assisting John, Ron and the other racers BUT a free race is a free race! :-)
Sunday, March 18, 2012
B&B (Hudson)
Have had this track on the "Local Tracks" page for years! REALLY!!! Like 2008!
Met Mike at his house and he drove the rest of the way, it's over my 75 mile drive range.
Within the first 10 minutes of practice, I hit a 4X4 (wood post) at speed over a jump, ordered a NEW chassis to replace the one with a missing front end!!! :-(
Changed tires from the SC10 to the XXX-SCT. Decided to check the setup on the Castle SCT made a few changes <<< MISTAKE!!!! Forgot that you need to re-set the radio to esc, was three laps down by the time I got on the track for the 1st qual! Was in 3rd at the 4 minute mark of the 6 minute qual and took all the teeth off the spur!!!
This put me starting 2nd in the C-main. By lap 3 I was in the lead driving away, at the 3 minute mark I was in the pits putting the pinion back on. NO bump up for me, my worst finish ever!!! 19 of 19.
Mike and I got to B&B a bit later than we had planned. Was looking like finding a place to pit would be a problem! Then Mike seen the Johnson trailer, they welcomed us into their AC trailer. :-)
The WHOLE Johnson family joined Team Holy Rollers over two years ago, I had NOT seen them for over a years. We had a GREAT time of fellowship!!
A short vid of the SC B-main that I didn't bump up to!!!
Monday, March 12, 2012
FZRC (Sarasota)
Put the Castle esc and motor in for a test, thinking about racing Mod SC for a few weeks.
Turned Great, Jumped Great, Speed was Great!! BUT I choose to race Stock SC.
Qual'd 5th finished 5th with a motor temp of 225!!! :-(
Have tried 20 diff gearing sets and temp are 185 to 225, NOT very happy. With the SC10 I never had a temp over 185!!!
Losi doesn't have any gearing charts like AE does, So the SC10 is now the Stock SC and the XXX-SCT will be Mod SC.
Sunday, March 4, 2012
FZRC (Sarasota)
While doing a "Check over" of the SC10 and T4, I found that some time in the past (perhaps over a YEAR) I had changed the inner steering link mount to the rear mount! That is for a in-line axle NOT a trailing axle! Changed to the front hole, hope this will make the SC10 and the T4 to turn like they should.!
Tested the SC10 first today. NOW the steering is like I want it! I'm thinking about putting the SP GT2.0 and 17.5 motor in the SC10 for "Stock SC" class.
The T4 turns and jumps like it did at Farmers two years ago!!! <<< SWEEET!!
Raced in "Mod SC" class with the SP GT2.0 in "Boosted" setting. Qual'd in 4th for the main and finished in 4th. Trying to decide between the Castle SCT esc and 4600 motor or the SP GT1.1 esc and Novak 13.5 in for next week for "Mod SC".
Monday, February 27, 2012
FZRC (Sarasota)
Christian road with me today. He hasn't raced in like 2 or 3 years!!
He drove the T4, qual'd in 7th 1st qual, broke in the 2nd. He started in 7th and finished 5th NOT bad for taking 2 or 3 years off!
Put a Team Trinity 17.5 in to replace the dead LRP X11 17.5
Qual'd 5th in Stock SC in the 1st qual.
Changed to Mod SC for the rest of the day. Qual'd in 3rd for Mod SC and finished 3rd after racing with 2nd for 10 laps before the motor started over heating!!!!! :-(
After I got home did some research and found I was only 3 teeth to BIG on the motor for the "Boosted" settings I was running.
Oh! Yes I changed from "Blinky" 17.5 to "Boosted" 17.5 for Mod SC. It's fast Fast FAST!!! Had to watch how much throttle I used to keep from over jumping the jumps!!!!!
Will find out how the NEW gearing works 3/4/12 :-)
FZRC (Sarasota)
Had 1 BAD day of racn', most BAD in a LOOONNNGGGG time!
Mike Sage was there before me, so I set my table up under his ez-up.
Got the Speed Passion GT2.0 set to "Blinky" so I can race STOCK SC as a STOCK sc. :-) But, I'm having gearing problems >>> HEAT <<< 190 to 220!!!!!! :-(
Just very finished the main, motor was just NOT running right. Open motor after I got home and found that all the senser bits were un-soldered from the senser board!!! So much for the LRP X11 17.5
Finished 5th!!
Saturday, February 11, 2012
FZRC (Sarasota)
Short Course King (SCK)
SCK held their first race for 2012 series at FZRC today 2/11/12, they had standing water on the track at 1am from the evening rain. By sun up NO water and by 9am the track was ready to race!!! Marty (track owner) and crew had prepared a SWEEEEET track! They did part of this back in August when they changed from black sand to red clay.
Had planned to race the Losi XXX-SCT in 17.5 “Blinky” Stock SC class. Finished 5th in the first qual and 5th again in the 2nd qual which put me in the B-main starting 6th. At the timing line of the 1st lap I was in 3rd, with 2nd and 1st about 10 feet in front of me. By the finish of lap two they had a 20 foot lead on me and 4th was just behind me. That racer and I battled most of the race for 3th/4th place. 2 laps from the finish we touched and 5th and 6th got by me. I think I got back by them but didn’t get by 3rd!
Just a few more races and I will have race 300 races, I’m at 284 as of today!!!
Sunday, February 5, 2012
FZRC (Sarasota)
Drove the SC10 with the Leopard esc and 3300 motor for a few laps to see how well the esc/motor worked. Seemed ok, had a lot of power.
Signed up for 17.5 "Blinky" Stock SC class, hoped to do well with what I learned at Newred last week. Two laps from the finish of the 1st qual the SC started to handle badly. Found that I had broken the T-bar that holds the rear a-arms on! Didn't have a spare! :-(
Put the esc and motor from the XXX-SCT into the SC10 for the rest of the day. Motor came off the track at 200 degrees!!!! Motor temps should never be above 170. Put a different motor in for the main. Had qual'd 7th, finished 6th just 10 sec behind 5th. Motor temps 190 :-( Good thing I had ordered a new LRP X11 17.5 motor Sat.
Planning to race the Short Course King race this coming Sat at FZRC in "Blinky" 17.5 class. Hope to get the esc to BLINK the led! Have loaded the software, BUT no "Blinky"!!!!!! Only need this IF I finish in the top three.
Sunday, January 29, 2012
NewRed (Ocala, FL)
Added a new track to my repertory!!!
The MOST technical track I've ever raced on!

First time on a "Tec" track and the Losi wasn't doing the job! BUT, I was signed up for 17.5 SC class and wasn't going to change the SC10 to 17.5
Track wasn't "Blue Groove" but was HIGH traction, had way to much turning. Motor had to much heat and no power. Was just right last Sat at FZRC, a diff day and a diff track! :-)
Moved the front shock tops out a hole and re-timed the motor to 0 degrees. By the end of the 2nd qual I was in 8th. Waiting for my A-main, I decided to move the front hubs down one washer (.030 thick), was looking at the motor and noticed that I had timed the motor to the - side of center a week ago!!!! Set the timing to +10 and NOW the power is there and after 6 minute A-main the temp was 146! <<<< that temp is just SWEEEET!!!
With the front change and the NEW power it took three laps to learn how to drive the Losi. Only 1st and 2nd got by me!!! Started 8th finished 7th NOT bad for racn' on a new track with it's new demands!!
Sunday, January 22, 2012
FZRC (Sarasota)
Just a bit of test/tune had a Speed Passion Exige 2.0 esc and Speed Passion sport motor that I had changed rotors in. About lap five the rotor blew up!!!!!
XXX-SCT >>> Stock SC class
Received a new (used) Fantom Ion2 17.5 motor that is based on a Team Trinity motor blank. Had the timing set at "0" motor seemed OK. After talking with some racers about how to setup the esc for "Blinky" mode*. Had also received a Speed Passion LCD program box, this makes changing to "Blinky" very easy.
Raced the first qual with "0" motor timing, after the pinion came loose during the 2nd warm up lap, got on to the track about a minute after the start of the qual. Still was able to qual in 4th of 7 racers. Missed 3rd by 2-3 seconds!!!
Bumped the motor timing up about 10 degrees for the 2nd qual. Finished in 2nd which is good enough to start in 2nd for the main. Motor temps were good enough to bump the motor timing to the MAX!!!
Was in 2nd for most of the A-main, BUT Mike made up the distance by the five minute mark and it took him three laps to get around me (I touched another racer as we both pasted him).
* "Blinky" mode is NO timing advance on the ESC, No turbo, boost OR what ever you want to call it.
It's 99.999999% I will be racing at a new track for me. It's called Newred in Ocala, FL. I'm to meet with Mike Sage at 9am in Tampa and ride with him the rest of the way. Tampa is about half way, Ocala is about 100 miles from my house. Already have a page made for T3T4 Web Service's web site for my visit at Newred. :-)
Found a guy selling a Leopard esc and 3300 motor on ebay, won it for $2.50 plus shipping. He stated the magnet on the rotor was loose, I have two rotors that will work. The esc didn't work, put a fan on it, new power wires, have another working esc / motor! :-)
Put a new rotor in the Speed Passion sport motor, hope the winding in the motor are still OK. Hope to test this Monday after work.
Sunday, January 15, 2012
FZRC (Sarasota)
I'm a bit under the weather, have a bit of a cold.
Losi XXX-SCT (Stock SC class)
Track was a touch damp from the nights dew. But traction was GREAT during practice, that qual's AND the race! Between 1st and 2nd qual, I had a close look at how the Losi was setup compared to how it was handling. Had a touch to much turn in on the 180 turns, removed 1/2 oz of weight from the steering camber. BINGO!!! Very neutral steering. Finished 3rd in the 8 minute A-main!! :-)
AE SC10 (Mod SC class)
First five laps, of practice, the SC10 was GREAT, then I started to push it to get better lap times, just could not keep the turns tight! Between the 1st and 2nd qual's I put the 1/2 oz of weight from the Losi in the front steering area of the SC10 BINGO!!!! SWEEET balance in the turns. On lap 9 of the Mod SC A-main the steering servo froze up, finished 8th. :-(
Rebuilt the servo, bearings where dry, in need of some grease. Hope I don't have to buy another $50 servo!!!!!!!!!!
My brother Rick had shared with me that he had put a set of shocks from a Losi gas truck on his SC10 and this was a GREAT improvement in landing and cornering. The only Losi shocks that I have are on the XXX-SCT so I put Losi #56 (red) piston in the SC10 shocks. The truck sure landed and turned smoother. Have ordered a set of #55 (orange) pistons for the SC10 front shocks, as these are what comes in the gas truck front shocks.
Saturday, January 7, 2012
FZRC (Sarasota)
Short Course King Money race!
Tested the Losi XXX-SCT, had rebuilt the diff, to make sure it was ready to race!
After the diff rebuild, it got tail happy!!!! Which means the rear was turning better than the front. Moved the battery to the full back position and put another .030 washer in each front shock.
So what was the out come. 2nd place in the B-main, which put me into the A-main!!!! :-)
Finished 6th in the A-main 4 places out of the $$$$$$.
The Speed Passion GT2.0 and EzRun 17.5 system will go into the Losi XXXX-SCT for next week!
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
As I cleaned the SC10 after two days of hard racing. I noticed that the diff was notchy!! Out it came and in went the trans from the T4 which I had just rebuilt two weeks ago and haven't raced it yet. Will have to learn to drive it Sat, had been having a hard time getting the SC10 to turn the same at every corner. A notchy diff will cause that!
Ordered diff parts to rebuild the SC10 diff so I can put the T4 trans back in the T4.
Because of what I found with the SC10, the Losi XXX-SCT got a diff rebuild. If you remember, I got a metal diff gear about four weeks ago and haven't checked it. Now it's SMMOOOTH again!
FZRC (Sarasota)
Day 2 of 2 :-)
Did NOT even bother to get the Losi XXX-SCT out. Had planned to race in Stock SC, hoped the setup and tires would work one more day! Did NOT!!!!! :-(
Got my NEW front tires and NEW-est rear tires out, moved the battery forward 1/4 pad. Qual'd 6th finished 5th.
During the Mod SC A-main, I turned to marshal two SC's and fell, didn't pick my legs up enough to clear the pipe. I did look COOL as I fell and crawled over to up right the SC's!!!