Sunday, January 9, 2011


At Lil' Dover SC tring to fine tune my drivers meeting skills. :-)

Had planed to race just one class BUT they needed another truck in Stadium Truck to make a class. Takes 3 to make a class. By the start of the first qualilfier there were two electric and two nitro truck in the class!

At the tone GO!!!! Was the last one to go at the tone, was in first after the first turn both qualifiers and first by the second turn in the main!!! The GT2-SC drove wonderfully and was still running at the end of each qual and main!!! VERY SWEEET!!!

Had the TQ in Mod SC with the SC10 by 5 seconds until the 2nd qaul and Richard topped me by two seconds.
:-( < cause I lost the TQ BUT :-) cause Richard is a Team Holy Rollers member!!!!

Dennis and I tangled about 20 foot into the main, he got to the first turn in last place. By lap 5 he was in the lead and I was 3rd (of 8 trucks). That is how we finished with Dennis also lapping me with two minutes left in the main.
