Saturday, June 12, 2010


Found the shocks where NOT rebuilt right before last weeks race :-( Guess when my wife calls me to the dinner table I need to write down how many spacers I have put in the shock(s)!!! Left front and right rear had the amount of spacers that I wanted, the right front and left rear where each one washer short!!!

The Fendom 17.5 motor that I have in the SC10, Rooster (the racer who I got this from) had the motor timing set to 20 degrees. Set the timing to 0 degrees = NO POWER! Tried 10 degrees = SWEEET POWER. After 10 minute main motor temp was 153 degrees, just right!!!!


Ken worked his tail off getting the track ready!!! When I got to the track all that was needed was to water and water and water!!!! :-)

Assisted a racer get his Slash setup, adjusted rear hubs and right rear link, loaned him a transponder and Frank loaned him a full set of Goosebumps on Slash rims for the night.

Qualified 1st Stock SC 3rd over all, Made a race of it with Matt and Jeff for about 60 feet then the pack ran over me into the second turn and I was on the bottom and last (10th)!!!

Took 1 lap to get back to 3rd place, Matt (1st place Mod SC) passed me on lap 13 of my 16 laps. Jeff in 2nd got me on lap 16 and finished 1.6 seconds AND a lap in front of me.

I was still 1st in Stock SC, BUT in 3rd over all by two GREAT drivers!!!!


Farmers is moving to a new location and next Friday (6/18) will be the last race there.

I started racing at Farmers April 1006, their first off-road race, the laps where counted by kids with clikers!!! I won ele buggy with a RC10B4.
