Saturday, May 22, 2010


Short Course

1st qual was 2nd fastest (VERY SWWWWWEEEEEET!) then the motor got HOT enough to UN-solder a motor lead!!!!!!!

Tired of this brushed motor deal, a dead motor a week!!!

Put the 13.5 Speed Passion system in, I'm done with brush motors

OH! I finished 3rd! Top three finished on the same lap, that's a GOOD day:-)


2wd buggy

They put us in with the 4wd buggies, Hey, racn' is racn'!!!

Can NOT throw a J82 into a turn like you can a SC10 :-(

2wd buggies you have to watch your "P's" and "Q's" or they are NOT fast!!

The 4ws leader only lapped me two times!!! BUT I did finish 1st in 2wd buggy!!!
