SS Hobby and Raceway (Tampa, FL)
Race 10 of the best 8 of 10 series!!!
RC10B4.1 +8
Leo and I were tied for first as we waited for the tone. Had a 5 foot lead at turn two then the pack caught us, I was never close after that!!!!!! Leo finished 3rd with the series win, I finished 4th for a second in the series!!!
Leo started racing just a few short months ago (around 8 months) and now he is the winner of the best 8 of 10 series!!! Way to go Leo!!!!!
As the day started had a one point lead over Leo in ST class, then Leo TQ'd the first qual and I couldn't out TQ him in the 2nd qual. At the start tone we were even in points. Leo lead into the first turn, I went for the wall ride to get around him going into turn two. Cliff and Leo tangled going over the 2nd hump before turn two, I was by them and GONE for the win!!!!
Took first in ST and Leo has a second, he was catching me during the last two minutes of the main!!
The first six races drove the SC10, well enough for a 8 point lead over Cliff. Did the ele change to the SC10GT four weeks ago, worked so well that I have parked the SC10.
Had a 12 point lead over Cliff so I had no need to race hard, stay just in front or just behind Cliff and the series win was mine, BUT that didn't happen.
Qual'd 3rd, wall road to stay with 1st and 2nd until 2nd missed a jump and we drove for about 20-30 foot side by side. We rub just right for him to do a side roll, I slowed down to see if he would roll on over or not. IF not I would stop until a marshal assisted him. He rolled on over and I was gone!!! a few laps later 1st had a problem and was at his side in a heart beat!!!!
A few feet later the same thing as 2nd, 1st did a side roll. When a plastic chassis SC rubs a alm EX Nitro SC the plastic SC looses. Slowed down to see if he would roll on over he did and I was GONE for the win!!!!!
Wall riding for the win-win!!!
Awards banquet will be in two weeks, two 1st and a 2nd not bad for a almost 64 year old against the young whipper snappers!!!!! :-)