Friday, June 22, 2012




Eli Field (Monticello, IL}

Raced my SC10 against my brothers SC10 for two days!!! LOSER!!!!! Not me, my brother! On his home track, which is IL brown clay with low to medium traction. My SC10 was still setup for FZRC and their BLACK groove red clay.

We raced our T4's and the same result LOSER!!!! :-)

It wasn't until Rick got the T2 out that I setup to race at Eli two years ago that he had me!!!!! My T4 could NOT out run the T2.

What did the winner get (me) a T2 roller!!!!!! Already making a list of parts to order.


Saturday, June 2, 2012


FZRC (Sarasota)

J Concepts Summer Series race #1

What a crowd! I was setup almost at the gate!!!

Could NOT hear the PA over the three generators, mosquitoes eating up my legs and missing signup because of the generators. I packed up and went home!
